I'll be going to this, dressed as Venus [probably] ;o)
DON'T TAKE THE PEACE OUT OF SPACE! Saturday 11th October : 12pm - 4pm Jointly organised by CAAB and Yorkshire CND - part of the international Keep Space for Peace week, food, a trip around the base and more are planned Space theme - come dressed as a "celestial body" (star, comet, planet, galaxy ... alien)
Star Wars is no longer a fiction and no longer a far away threat. The United States is researching and developing space weapons now, and plans to have them in outer space in the next decade - or as soon as possible. Space will lose its place as the last area unscarred by humanity's wars. Space weapons will be capable of firing at other space objects, and through the atmosphere on to Earth. A space arms race will ensue as other states try to overcome the US dominance of space. Destabilisation and instability will occur on Earth as a result. This is not a fiction. But it doesn't have to be reality either. Join the demonstration on October 11th and support the call - don't take the peace out of space!
Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy Joint Co-ordinators CAMPAIGN FOR THE ACCOUNTABILITY OF AMERICAN BASES (CAAB) 8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ, England, U.K. Tel/fax no: +44 (0)1943 466405 0R +44 (0)1482 702033 email: anniandlindis@caab.org.uk or caab@btclick.com Website: http://www.caab.org.uk
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever does." Margaret Mead
Saturday 11th October : 12pm - 4pm
Jointly organised by CAAB and Yorkshire CND - part of the international Keep
Space for Peace week, food, a trip around the base and more are planned
Space theme - come dressed as a "celestial body"
(star, comet, planet, galaxy ... alien)
Star Wars is no longer a fiction and no longer a far away threat. The United States is researching and developing space weapons now, and plans to have them in outer space in the next decade - or as soon as possible. Space will lose its place as the last area unscarred by humanity's wars. Space weapons will be capable of firing at other space objects, and through the atmosphere on to Earth. A space arms race will ensue as other states try to overcome the US dominance of space. Destabilisation and instability will occur on Earth as a result. This is not a fiction. But it doesn't have to be reality either. Join the demonstration on October 11th and support the call - don't take the peace out of space!
Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy
Joint Co-ordinators
8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ, England, U.K.
Tel/fax no: +44 (0)1943 466405 0R +44 (0)1482 702033
email: anniandlindis@caab.org.uk or caab@btclick.com
Website: http://www.caab.org.uk
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever does." Margaret Mead
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