The ever resourceful Brenda has sent me here, I think to save her own sanity and stop all her hair falling out. Anyhow, whatever her reasons, here I am. I now have my very own ' box in the corner' which I will stand in whenever I feel a rant coming on.
I don't suppose the language is always going to be very ' choice' in here, so maybe the faint-hearted should cover their ears and eyes.
Hopefully there are a few sharp people out there somewhere who can answer the questions that buzz round in my head keeping me awake at night. Got lots this morning, but the main one at the moment is :-
WTF is all this crap ? This is me stepping out of my box already, but honestly, what is wrong with people that they can't just be people without joining some silly religious club or cult and living according to a few manmade rules and regulations often written thousands of years ago?
Now we have a bunch of religious nutters ( of which David Kelly was apparently one) claiming to have influence on his role in the Iraqgate Affair.
Were religious lunatics responsible for pushing David Kelly over the edge or was it his former colleagues at Hanslope Park ( that lovely little MI6 establishment that make the toys that GCHQ play with) ?
Ooh La La....better prepare for another hacking !!!
See below for some scary shit from one of 'God's' many little 'help groups'... NOTE WELL: My first email message to the Lord Hutton Inquiry:----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 8:24 AM
Subject: Dr. David Kelly & the Baha'i Faith - EVIDENCE grows....The Hutton Inquiry Secretariat
2nd Floor
81 Chancery Lane
Tel: 020 7855 5295
Fax: 020 7855 5299
E-mail: Lord Hutton,
Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, Department of
History, has mentioned on Yahoo's Talisman9 discussion board that,
given Kelly's briefing of 30 Baha'is in October 5, 2002 and the Baha'i
administration's issuing multiple warnings prohibiting Baha'is from protesting
against the war, it may be that there actually is a Baha'i angle involved.
Here are the crucial documents, so far, suggesting the complicity of the Baha'i
administration in the Dr. David Kelly affair. It may be necessary for the non-bahai
to read these messages, especially those of the National Spiritual Assembly of the
UK and the Universal House of Justice, in the context of the struggle within the
baha'i faith during the last decade, provided by two articles on Baha'i
fundamentalism, one by Professor Juan Cole, the other by Karen Bacquet, in
order to understand the subtlety of what's being communicated to Baha'is.
At the very least, I believe the speculation ought to be carefully
investigated by the British authorities. The Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly
of the United States issued last fall the directive that bahais not protest the war,
and the NSA of the UK issued a similar one. In the context of the Universal
House of Justice's Ridvan Address for 2003, celebrating improved conditions for
the Baha'is of Iraq, and Kelly's briefing Baha'is, I urge the British police to weigh
carefully anything they hear from my fellow Baha'is, especially given their record
of abusing free speech and conscience, thoroughly documented on my website.
Frederick Glaysher
The Bahai Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience