And the awaited update

Nov 06, 2006 22:06

I had my appointment with the neurologist today. I suppose all went well. I have to follow up with him in another month and have another MRI in 6 months. Do you know how excited that makes me?! Not at all, not a fun test, I need drugs! There were a few spots on my last MRI that he wants to look into further. It's not MS. Not that it couldn't develop into it, but right now it is nothing. I have what is called UBO's. 3 of them exactly. Unidentified Bright Objects. Yes, I tried not to laugh myself. The are around the ventricles of the brain, which is a common site for the MS to start. The doctor is not concerned however. He said that the MRI machines are very sensitive and that this could, and probably is, just a bright spot on the films and absolutely nothing in the brain. However, because of the situation he does not want it to go without follow up. So, if it is 'MS' it will be more porminent in 6 months at which time further stuff will be done. Basically, this is a normal abnormal finding. Doesn't really put my mind at much ease, but that's what it is. Then, I really wanted to slap the man. Ok, so he gives me HIGH HIGH dose steroids, IV at that to make sure that they are absorbed correctly in my body, and asks me "Are you having any side effects to the drug?" *mumbles under breath* Well, for starters I've gained about 10 pounds (in like 2 weeks now) in weight, I'm retaining water something fierce, I piss every two hours through the night, I'm an emotional rollercoaster (which I was before hand but this makes it about 10 times worse), and my stomach is a bottomless pit that just won't fill up and I feel I need to be eating like every 10 minutes. Now mind you I have been dieting and was doing well on it....all very discouraging. Am I having side effects? DUH! He asked how much longer I have on the drugs and I said another week. The docotor did offer to start the taper faster but recommended that I just take them as directed because they have been working so well. I said I would try for another week, but damn I don't know how much more I'll be able to take. Oh well. I'll just keep drinking my water and hope that my tummy fills up better. I have started to get my insurance statements back with the prices of all this testing that I've done though. I'm so glad that I have insurance. Lets see, already I've recieved statements for 2 dr visits, and my eyes tests. Already sitting at about $700. I'm still waiting for my first trip to the neuro, the MRI and the IV infusions at my job. So, for the entreupunerial (sp?) types out there, I say we open our own insurance company. I'll be a nurse so I can say what is warranted and what is not but I'm telling you thats where the money is. Anyways, I should get off here and go do my homework that I'm putting off. It's almost done. Again, thanks everyone for the thoughts/prayers/energy/ect. It's really helped, and I know it will help in the future.
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