A Excessively Long Heroes Post

Nov 19, 2007 23:26

In the past I’ve looked down on those people who say they will stop watching/reading etc something if x character gets killed off. I’ve always thought it was rather petty and small and just get over it already. However, since 2007 turned out to be the year that nearly every character I like died (thank goodness Sarah Jane’s heading a kids show) I’ve begun understand and even make this statement myself. And since Heroes may be going down that well tread route of killing of my favourite character tomorrow, I think it’s time for a excessively long Heroes post, just in case my love for the show suddenly turns sour.

Four Months Later to Four Months Ago

I know there’s been a lot of hate out there for season two, particularly the first 6 or so episodes, but I liked them. Certainly they had their flaws. Season one seemed to be a bit jerky in tone between storylines at times, but season one was nothing compared to season two. Claire’s in a high school cheerleading movie while her father’s trapped in a Greek tragedy. Hiro’s living out a Disney movie, meanwhile the two people investigating his father’s murder, Matt and Nathan, are go about so in a gritty psychological sci-fi detective movie. But I don’t mind so much. I actually don’t think there has been a particularly great drop in quality. Yes, the first few episodes were a bit boring, but then again so were the first few episodes of season one. And just like season one, they’ve increased in tension and the show is back to being awesome.

Besides, season two brought us the magnificence that is shirtless Peter.

Though looks can only get you so far. Mohinder, while gorgeous, is too much of an idiot to be let out in public without a guardian. Yes, Mohinder, do talk about you and HRG’s supper secret plan to bring down The Company in a Company building in front of the person assigned to spy on you. Do deliver the Company leverage on you and Parkman to them. Even Bob, who looked the very opposite of surprised when Mohinder confessed about being the world’s worst mole, seemed to thing it was a dumb idea to rat out HRG. Oh, and becoming a threat to HRG’s family is not a brilliant move if you want to keep head projectile free, or be able to remember your first name.

Matt also had is moment of dumbassness this season, but the scenes with him and Nathan make up for it. Matt’s a great character when he’s got Nathan or HRG telling him what to do. And the scenes with him and Molly, particularly in Out of Time, are so very adorable.

Speaking of Nathan, Adrian Pasdar’s hair this season rivals David Tennant’s at gravity defiance. Not that I’m complaining. So long as the beard never returns, I’m like the longer haired look Nathan’s sporting. I also like Nathan a lot more this season. He’s a much more interesting character when not playing the role of Peter’s mean older brother, or being manipulated by his mother or Linderman. Though TPTB can we please please have a Claire’s Two Daddies Scene. Even better scenes - plural. The two alpha males of Heroes really have to met, and preferably work together while at the same time hating each others guts.

Speaking of the Petrellis, Peter, besides looking good without a shirt, still bores me. Though I do love Peter when he’s opposite Angela, or Nathan, or Claude or Claire or HRG. I just adored the scene in Out of Time with Peter remembering his mother. Loved the Nathan and Peter moments, however brief, in Four Months Later. And the Peter - Adam dynamic has a lot of potential.

And Angela. Ninety-three percent of the population of the word dies, but who’s still going strong: Angela Petrelli. Apocalypses cannot keep that woman down. Her sheer awesomeness renders her immune. I think she’s my second favourite character at the moment and I hope the writers get her out of prison soon. It’s just not the same without her showing up every couple of episodes to bring the Petrelli family’s special kind of screwed up to the fore. And I don’t think I really care about what kind of power she has, she’s brilliant just as is (though I suspect it’s one of manipulation).

Now, if we ever get a Claire’s two Dads thing happening on the show, I’d love for Sandra and Angela to meet. Talk about opposites. Plus Sandra raises show dogs, and Angela is, well, something of a bitch. The dialogue practically writes itself.

Claire this season is so much less likeable than last season. Though don’t think her suddenly turning on her father forgetting all the events of Company Man and the sacrifices he’s made. She’s just beginning to see her father through the eyes of someone who she likes. Previously the only victims of her father have been the hostage takers of her family. And HRG is a bad guy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love him to bits, but what I think The Line illustrates is that HRG views himself as an irredeemable figure. He has done so many bad things over the years, he doesn’t see much point in changing his ways. He’s going to hell regardless and so better to protect his family the best way he knows how, no matter the consequences for himself and others. Add the painting of his demise into the mix and you have a desperate and dangerous man who’s actions are to prevent the future are only making the future more and more inevitable. His lies have pushed Claire away, his actions have caused Mohinder to turn on him and his desperation has put The Company onto him. And it’s just so wonderfully tragic that the person who is really bringing about the death of Noah Bennet, is Noah Bennet himself. And from a dramatic standpoint, I think HRG has to die. On the other hand, for the future of the show and my continued interest being the HRG fangirl I am, they also have to find a way to make him live since he’s the most interesting character and Jack Coleman’s brilliant in the role and so dropping him from the show would be the stupidest thing since somebody thought to remake Blackpool for the American market. Good luck with that, writers.

Also I think Sandra’s going to leave him. It was put out there in Five Years Gone that she could and would, given enough reason, such as discovering her husband has been murdering people in cold blood in her and her children’s name, I think she may just do it. And having Bennet trying to change his ways to win his family back could be a very interesting storyline for the character.

And in my final Bennet related thing for a while: Yay for HRG and the Haitian working together again. I love those two together.

Hiro’s been boring this season. If it wasn’t for the Adam reveal, I’d call the entire Feudal Japan storyline a waste of time. Sure it was amusing for the first five minutes, and we got Carp out of it. But other than that, I was bored and it was too Disney-esq. And I miss Hiro and Ando together.

Niki, DL and Micah’s plot always has been a mess. I’m very sad they felt the need to kill of DL, particularly after giving him a happy ending. There was never anything wrong with the characters, just their plotline. It was always so disconnected from everything else in season one, it just felt like a waste of time (similar to Hiro this season).

Sylar, is also a waste of space this season. I like him as the guy that would quietly emerge from the shadows and fuck the other character’s shit up. As a villain, he was great. Without the shadows, or his power, he’s just boring. He was never that interesting a character since he’s only got the one motivation, and he hasn’t even got an interesting character to play off, instead he’s got the twins. Snore.

Okay, onto the new characters, of whom the best is: Bob.

Yes Bob. He’s Heroes’ Professor Umbridge, someone just so banal and ordinary and quietly eeevil. Plus he’s the bad guy HRG could have been if HRG had not chosen Claire over the Company, just with more fat, less hair and better people skills. And it’s those people skills that make him a true threat to HRG. Bob should stick around for a long time.

Elle’s grown on me. I like the idea of a cute peppy sociopath running about killing people. Though I don’t think she’s Adam’s biological daughter. Not even Heroes would go there after he pretty much admitted to having slept with her. Nah, I like the idea that she’s Bob’s adopted daughter and together she and he are the anti Noah and Claire.

Adam’s brilliant. Suave, charismatic and English. After what Bob said and what he did to Hiro, I’m not wholly convinced he’s a bad guy. Though I don’t like that his blood can heal somebody. I always thought it was much more tragic if Claire would be always able to heal herself but never somebody she loved, and I love the tragic.

Monica’s a great character, finally somebody who wants her powers and will use them to fight crime and help her community. Though I can’t help but wonder how she fits into the grand scheme of things. If the don’t slot her into the overarching plot soon, I’m going to get bored with her.

On the other hand West has to leave the show now. Oh, Sylar, want the power of flight? Unless that is, he turns out to be really working for the Company, because that kid is creepy, manipulative and treats people without powers as beneath him. Or he could be a junior Magneto. Now that’s got potential, particularly if he brings Claire along for the initial ride ideologically, and she comes to her senses. But I don’t think the writers are intending that. Instead the character’s dragging Claire down.

And Maya and Alejandro. Alejandro’s really hot, and their power is interesting. But where do they fit in in the grand scheme of thing? I think their plot is wasted and terribly repetitive. Besides, I think it would be more interesting if Sylar were to steal Maya’s power and leave Alejandro running after him, trying to limit the numbers of the dead. But, since Maya is the series regular and Alejandro’s not, I’m assuming it’s going to be the other way around.

My final note is: I don’t actually think he will die. Or if he does, that he will stay dead (oh, science fiction, I love you so for making this always a possibility). But just in case:

Dear Tim Kring

Please, please let Noah Bennet live



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