New Year's Eve Word: Respair

Jan 01, 2022 01:23

(cross-posted from
1word1day )

Dear everyone--comm members, comm posters, and of course the former comm moderator--

Thank you for being here in 2022. We have shared in the joy of linguistics, and that has been one of the positive things this year, I think.

I wish you and yours all the very best in the coming year 2022!

And now for something special, for New Year's Eve:

"...But one English word surely stands above all others from the corners of the dictionary. I mention it all the time, because I’m determined to bring it back. Or bring it anywhere in fact, for it never really enjoyed more than a day in the sun. “Respair” has just one record next to it in the Oxford English Dictionary, from 1525, but its definition is sublime. Respair is fresh hope; a recovery from despair. May 2022 finally be its moment."

A few other interesting words in this article from The Guardian: From respair to cacklefart - the joy of reclaiming long-lost positive words

(...would you believe "cacklefart" means "egg"?! ;))

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new year, vocabulary

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