So I just nicked this meme from
housepiglet who nicked it from
tasha_elizabeth. Anyways, it was good fun, if a little creepily accurate. Give it a shot. Just type in "[Your name] needs" and list the first ten or so. Here are my results:
med_anomaly needs...
1. to get away from this family, they are so annoying (been back home with the parents for a couple of weeks now, it'll be high time to leave in another week or so)
2. ur vote (seriously, how does google know I just ran for an election today)
3. help (ha, in so many ways)
4. to draft the resolution (just did so recently and will again before November)
5. to have an efficient and organised support structure in place (YES, absolutely)
6. to be informed of any errors (so I’m a nitpicker, is that so terrible?)
7. someone (hmm…maybe in a little while)
8. treatment (see #3)
9. a makeover (I have a post-boards spa day planned for next week. I'll be a girl again soon, promise)
10. to choose one path (does this mean my thoughts of going to law school after med school are a bad idea according to the great google Gods)
Seriously, strange how this worked out. Okay, now it's time to get back to work. :)