It's widely recognized that the ultimate form of "small talk" aka "I have no idea what I'm supposed to say, so let's go with random, generic conversation!" is any talk, whatsoever, about the weather
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Ah, it seems to be cold all over the place. :( And apparently I spoke too soon when I posted this: yesterday's high was -28C, without wind chill. I didn't bother finding out what the wind chill was, because there was no way I was going outside.
Er, yes. Um. I used to have a plantar's wart on my foot, and you can buy dry ice dabby things from drugstores to clear it up. So, of course, I did. Aaaand it didn't work. So to the doctors it was, where for twice the amount you pay at a drugstore, you can get... apparently the exact same thing! That is: absolutely no effect! -__- So the doctor req'd me to a dermatologist, who is apparently legally allowed to do a much more intensive version than one's GP is allowed to do, and so I was hopeful! Maybe the dermatologist would finally get rid of this stupid thing! my defense, I told him my feet are ticklish, I told him that I'm naturally squeemish and hate pain of any shape or form, and I told him that when the GP gave me the dry ice spray, she'd missed a couple times and got the non-wart area of my foot which, um, hurts. A lot. I still have a scar from it, and couldn't walk on that foot for nearly a week afterwards. And I went to see Mr. Dermi about a week after I could walk again, so foot/bottom of foot? Still very sensitive.
Or, tl;dr: dermatologist should not have grabbed my foot like that, nor should he have left a freaking bucket of liquid nitrogen in a place that it could be easily kicked.
Er, yes. Um. I used to have a plantar's wart on my foot, and you can buy dry ice dabby things from drugstores to clear it up. So, of course, I did. Aaaand it didn't work. So to the doctors it was, where for twice the amount you pay at a drugstore, you can get... apparently the exact same thing! That is: absolutely no effect! -__- So the doctor req'd me to a dermatologist, who is apparently legally allowed to do a much more intensive version than one's GP is allowed to do, and so I was hopeful! Maybe the dermatologist would finally get rid of this stupid thing! my defense, I told him my feet are ticklish, I told him that I'm naturally squeemish and hate pain of any shape or form, and I told him that when the GP gave me the dry ice spray, she'd missed a couple times and got the non-wart area of my foot which, um, hurts. A lot. I still have a scar from it, and couldn't walk on that foot for nearly a week afterwards. And I went to see Mr. Dermi about a week after I could walk again, so foot/bottom of foot? Still very sensitive.
Or, tl;dr: dermatologist should not have grabbed my foot like that, nor should he have left a freaking bucket of liquid nitrogen in a place that it could be easily kicked.
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