Jan 19, 2011 13:28
It's widely recognized that the ultimate form of "small talk" aka "I have no idea what I'm supposed to say, so let's go with random, generic conversation!" is any talk, whatsoever, about the weather.
I'm proposing a discussion about the weather, anyways. For many reasons. Partly because I am genuinely curious as to what's going on in other parts of the world (anyone from, or know someone in, Australia, for example? Haiti?). Also because as much as logic in me says, "NOOOOOO WAAAAAAY," there's still a part of me that keeps thinking that maybe the Mayans were onto something, so has the weather been getting crazier where you are, and if it has, do you think it's part of global warming or something else?
Also also because no matter what happens, Vesuvius and various other high-powered volcanoes are all set to erupt in the next century, and so getting used to various wacky weather now will help prepare for whatever insane fall-out will come from that.
But mostly so that I have a reason to complain. I don't care if I have two lectures, a lab, and a class to help TA today. I don't care if I have to do grocery shopping. I really don't care if it's bright and sunny and looks warm, because HOLY CRAP. I am NOT going outside today, especially when I lost my mittens, when I don't need to! Regardless of being used to ridiculously low temperatures and Canadian weather, this isn't freaking Canadian weather. A daily high of -20 centigrade, feels like -40 centigrade*? That's bloody Antarctic weather. In their winter.
*That's about equal to a daily high of -4 fahrenheit, feels like -40 fahrenheit. And that's "feels like" during the daily high. Don't get me started on what it felt like this morning at 8:30 when I stepped outside to check the mail.
On that note, I'm actually amused that the online conversion table for celsius/centigrade to/from fahrenheit actually starts at -40 degrees for both. If it gets any colder, you have to do it manually! ...if you can still hold a pencil/calculator/iPhone to find an online conversion in that weather. D:
[TBH: I'm actually not sure what would be colder, getting dry ice/liquid nitrogen applied to my foot again or sticking said foot out the door without socks/boots/tights on. Um.]
can meco shut up already?,
fail is obvobv fail,
the fail!,
dry ice,
cold is relevant,
meco is a dork,
bad fucking idea