Nov 16, 2010 15:27
Library again today, because we still have no electricity! (At this point, we've basically lost all our food. Sob. Need to go shopping.... :( )
Today it is felt even more so, because BROTHERHOOD IS OUT, MAN, and my shiny collector's edition box is sitting beside me on the table I'm working at. People are staring at me and the giant EB Games bag. I really don't care. IT'S SO PRETTY AND SHINY AND A HARLEQUIN-IN-A-BOX, man that's going to give me nightmares, SO EXCITED. SO. MUCH.
Also, the people at the table beside me in the library are trading and playing YGO. I am sad, because I haven't played in years, and I don't have my deck with me atm. Damn. (...they just traded a 1st edition Red Eyes for a 2nd edition Black Magician. Jealous. Unfair. Argh.)
Yesterday was awkward at best, as after I left the library (why does it get so dark so early, sob?) I went to grab dinner and then headed home. I just about fell asleep on the bus that would take me home, as it took so long to leave the station. So me, on a bus, listening to music. And people sitting in the seats behind me, of course. And the song changes, and I kind-of wake up because there's this giant pothole about four stops before I get off that always wakes me up, and... weird timing. And it is weird, because I haven't seen or heard of this done since I was in elementary school, but....
Okay, methods of bullying. The one I found myself and other girls in my school most subjected to was when a girl (say person "A") is standing or sitting alone. Another group of girls walk over and stand/sit a couple feet away from person A, and form a circle start talking. And they make it very, very obvious that person A is not part of their circle. Except then they start talking about person A, like person A isn't even there, saying various mean and insulting and slandering things until, usually, person A either leaves (sometimes crying) or gets pissed off and fights back.
And to me it's such an old and old-school "technique" that I kind of felt embarrassed that they were trying to use it on me (especially considering that I was unintentionally ignoring them, haha), but I also felt embarrassed because they were speaking so loud the entire bus could hear them, and people were staring and it was weird. And very embarrassing.
What confused me is that normally usually people who try this on me (and this is the first time it's been done in... wow, almost 10 years) are people that I know (even if I don't like), but I didn't recognize any of their voices. Well, I sort-of recognized one, which was weird, because the person that I thought was sitting behind me is my nextdoor neighbor in Toronto, who used to do this to me until she actually grew up and matured. Haha, maybe I'm just paranoid?
ANYWAY, embarrassing day was embarrassing. Oh well. Today, Brotherhood, and possibly having run into Mr. Landlord who might actually fix our electricity, makes up for pretttty much anything, bwahaha. XD
(Now, to get myself a PSP to play more Assassin's Creed... :D And to finally finish replaying AC2, maybe. I refuse to finish the game until I can have a fistfight with the Pope wearing Auditore colours, and I refuse to use cheats and walkthroughs this time! I will prevail!)
can meco shut up already?,
fail is obvobv fail,
the fail!,
domesticity ftw,
sad things are sad,
i have far too much free time,
assassin's creed,
it kind of really kills me,
meco is a dork