Dear blog,
This is a tragedy. Pure and simple. Back in the 1990s when Image
first came on the scene the very first comic printed by the company was
![]( Created by the-son-of-a-bitch Rob Liefeld. It sucks. A lot. Mostly due to
the fact that its derivative and poorly written and drawn. Think about the
"Avengers" minus the characters, minus the fun, minus basically just about
anything that makes a comic book worth reading.
When you have a main character called "Shaft" he had better be bad ass, but
unfortunately he's just a clone of Green Arrow or Hawkeye.
With no notable villains, a terrible force fed helping of a Wolverine/Punisher ripoff in
the form of Chapel (oh guess what...he has AIDs and that's edgy!) this book offered
little in the way of entertainment and is now considered to be one of the larger flops
in all of comicdome.
Hunt Stockwell