Dear blog,
Flag Smasher is a jerk. In reality he's probably no better than Flag Burner or Flag Flagger or even the dreaded Flag Kick-to-the-Nethers.
I am confounded why an icon like Captain America persistantely has some of the worst villains to fight against. This one doesn't even have any powers! He's a swede with a mask and a mace. His particular fetish? Smashing flags...thus his name.
![]( His unrighteous beef? Kill anyone who has strong feelings one way or another about their country. You see his Father was in line at a Starbucks located at the Latverian embassy in Sweden. Dr. Doom decides to make an appearance and the crowd rushes him trying to get locks of hair, a touch of his cape and perhaps an autograph. Poor Flag Smasher's daddy gets trampled while sipping on a half-calf mocha over ice and thus does our villain don his costume.
What? That really doesn't make any sense. A much better story would for him to have been ritualistically molested by a flag growing up. Or always getting beat up by a bunch of older flags as he walks home from school everyday. Or he's bitten by a radioactive flag.
Perhaps what Flag Smasher doesn't realize is that inside each of us is a flag, including Flag Smasher and one day he'll realize that and maybe, just maybe, smash himself.