Compared to the Justice League (Coree think Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman) the Avengers have always been the diet Tab of the "major" superhero teams. Are they better than the X-Men? No not really. But the Avengers team also had two gods on the roster, Hercules and Thor. Though they could easily smote by the likes of Young Justice or the Teen Titans, Avengers is suppose be the creme de la' creme of the Marvel universes superheroes...the "A" team if you will. But with watered down storylines, convoluted personal problems that no one cares well as a terrific lack of notable villanous teams to face off against the Avengers have always been a B- for me.
However, it gets worse... Imagine if diet Tab lacked all of that great flavor, what if all you could taste was the aftertaste of the metal can every time you took a sip? That's what the spin-off of West Coast Avengers was like. Do they have Wolverine? No they have a tiger girl in a bikini (fan!).
Do they have Superman? No but they do have Wonderman (as in I wonder who came up with el lame-o). Hawkeye instead of Green Arrow, a very pale imitation and Songbird (look out she has sticks!) instead of kick ass Black Canary. Their most notable adventure involved one of them buying a cactus for a new roommate who was afraid of killing plants.