Dec 27, 2010 00:48
"..there are words one can use that don't denigrate the less privileged. Fuck, piss, and shit are fairly universal and non-discriminatory, and pejorative terms for male genitalia also pass that test."
Found that lovely little gem on a fanfic community regarding the word "cunt." There was actually a whole discussion regarding the use of the word cunt as a derogatory, about it implying that a woman's body is a dirty, undesirable thing.
Which, I can understand as that's the point of a swear.
I just don't see how it's okay to call someone a dick, a prick, or a jerk-off, but not a cunt. Why is it okay to imply that a man's body is dirty and undesirable, but not a woman's? Because of male privilege? That just doesn't seem right to me.
gnome has thoughts on this matter