OK, so I'm avoiding next week's promos and any spoiler interviews or pictures as best as I can. I've accepted what's going to happen, even if I'm still pretty angry about it. I'm going to let myself appreciate the fact that we had them for just a little while and I'm going to do my best to enjoy what I imagine will be stellar acting and I will sob my heart out and then I will find some way to fix it with fic. I'm going to follow VH and ESS in everything I can from here on out. But I think the only way I can deal with this show ending the way it is is to a) continue to avoid spoilers and actually live in the moment with them and b) rely on all of you for emotional support.
Ultimately, I'm really glad that I get to watch tomorrow's episode live, because I don't think I could do it all by myself. Does anyone know when ESS's last episode airs? I hope I can watch with everyone.
I've been in several fandoms in my life and have been really invested in several couples. This one, I think, is probably the one I've become the most emotionally attached to. But more than that, I've never felt more like I have hundreds of friends worldwide feeling the same thing. I've never felt as close to the actual actors, even though I've never met them, just because of the various fan charity drives, interviews and events.
People have a tendency to mock fandom or even just television. I think, at its best, it can really affect us in a way nothing else can. Even if it's just an escape from your own life for a few hours at a time, that's something. When it's so much more - when it's a community like the LuRe fanbase is - it's just amazing.
I might need some time. I might need to write some depressing fic first to work through my own grief. I might need lots and lots of Dusty Donovan roundhouse kick gifs. But I'm not planning on leaving this fandom. I will continue to watch the show until the very last day and then I will continue to write fic as real life allows. I hope to see you all stick around here with me.