rock n roll is bitchin, YEA YEA!!!

Oct 18, 2005 20:09

"You cant worry about a plane crash. What are you gona do? Complain all the way down to the ground? Might as well enjoy the roller-coaster ride. It doesnt pay to worry. I dont belive in fate, because Im not spiritual, but things do seem to work out. its about having the right attitude. Steve McQueen said something like, "I have no complaints, ever, about anything." Thats how i fell. When im stuck in traffic, so what, Ive got air conditioning, Im listening to music. Fuck it, Im happy; its like a disco" -Rob Zombie

^^I got that off of ken’s profile^^. I like it a lot. So thanks for that lol. I think it fits me like whoa {{pretty much}}, though he is a sick psychotic freak, rob zombie is the fucking man.

I went to my cousin’s memorial service this weekend. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. But I got to say goodbye, which was something I hadnt done yet, so I was happy. He was one of the greatest guys in the world, no exaggeration at all. I love you pasquale.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, life is pretty good. Im done complaining about stupid things that are only small bumps in the road. I have NOTHING to really complain about in my life, which I am really thankful for.

Homecoming weekend didnt happen like I pictured it, but it still ended up kicking ass. I saw so many people which made my freakin life, had yet another amazing goober party, fell on my ass in front of the guys and everyone else at homecoming and got mud all over me lol, had a kick-ass crazy adventure with andrew on the way home from the mall, and pretty much had the fucking time of my life all weekend. I love my friends more than life itself, seriously.....what the hell would I do w/o you guys?

Ohh yea and on Thursday I had pretty much the best hockey experience of my life. Me garv steve & scotty drunk as fuck and 3 rows away from the ice!!!! Incredible. The rangers won 4-1. THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING EVER!!! I think I died and went to hockey heaven that night lol. FUCK YOU DEVILS!!! {{hahahha especially white!}}

so maybe you’ll think im a freak, but I was just thinking about my top 3 songs to have sex to....and they would definitely be: "welcome to the jungle" {{ gNr}}, "sad but true" and "wherever I may roam".{{both metallica}}. Idk why....theyre not love songs or anything close to it lol. But yea, I just really wanna do that, it would be hot.

So everyone, what are your top 3 songs to have sex to????

Answer bitches!

<3 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina:)

ps. RBF in exactly one month from tonight!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I cant wait.
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