Nov 08, 2009 14:11
1) If you had the freedom to move to any state or country, without any negative changes to your life (financial, etc), where would you go?
I just went through a huge-ass move to Massachusetts, so I don't feel like moving again. But I wouldn't mind living in London for awhile; I've always liked that city.
2) Do you have any regrets, or do you believe everything you've done, good or ill, has made you who you are now?
Everything I've done has made me who I am now, good and bad. I regret some decisions I've made about the way I've treated people, but I've made my peace with it (and them, if possible) the best way I can.
3) What movie do you think deserves or needs a sequel?
I still want to see Mel Brooks do "History of the World: Part 2". With 'Hitler on Ice' :)
4) If you could co-write a book with someone, who would it be, and what kind of book?
I might do either a history book or travel guide of Europe with Rick Steves, cuz I like his shows.
5) If God was one of us ... just a slob like one of us ... just a stranger on the bus ... would he have to pay the fare, or could he get away with saying "I'm God, asshole" and ride for free?
He'd say "I'm God, dude" and give his fare to a poor person, so they could ride too. Then He'd take everyone out for ice cream :)