So yah I'm sure most people in 2005 use forums. Well I have a few I like to browse for programming. Mainly to read up on what other people are doing with the web. I also try and be a "nice guy" by sharing code examples and other crap with noobs. However as of late I've come across a handful of people I like to call 'the beggar'.
I'm sure everyone knows exactly what a beggar is. It's the poor bastards that don't want to do the work and never ask for help, just hand outs. Well the same exact thing happens in the world of programming and web development. I probably have you, the non-existent reader, confused by now - so lets have some examples.
MESSAGE: Hi New to PHP I am I need help with codeing cause i ma new to web pages. I need the web page to do this:
1. ) PULL in satellite feeds from Galaxy 3 and display the database in my ebay paypal account with the ability to attach photos from other users that get measured with javascript before they upload their picture then gives them a price based on their photo and the amount of information streamed from ebays item and galaxy 3.
2) The web page should create a user account and encrypt it with 5 way encryption and store it on my remote microsoft access database on my windows 98 machine via an update through xml and ftping from my command line. This information should also be able to have other people sign up and donate money to my site through paypal, ebay, blood transfusion, assimilation through the process of osmosis immersion deliberation. The messages should use Octonions and Hyperreal numbers to encrypt a p-adic number hash's and export them into an xml spreadsheet that is attached to an instant message sent to my MSN.
Please post the coed soon cause I need it done by noon - my bosss needs it now! THANKS A HEAD OF TIME!
So now - I'm sure you can see where the irritation starts. The question I propose is - who are these people? What kind of employees are being asked to develop software that can't even program 1 line on their own? They resort to asking for 'parts' of software to 'copy and paste' into their already bug ridden software.
I wonder if people in other professions do this, lets say surgeons. Dr. Moneybags has Mr. HMO cracked open on the table, heart and laser in hand. All of a sudden he realizes - O SHIT, I've never even performed surgery. Do they have one of those nurses or candy strippers * :P * grab their iMac Portable iPod blueberry PDA and broadcast a message to a doctor message board? Do the messages end with - o yah I need this in 5 minutes else this poor bastards dead?
I don't get it. I suppose these 6 week trained web designers from places like Web Design Academy USA, Stale Humor U, and How to fake your skill Community College get these jobs. Who the hell knows. Regardless - job skill beggars are a bunch of mung flavored smoothies.