May 03, 2011 19:15
I'd like to make a public apology here to anyone who got confused about his Facebook setup.
He was finally convinced to try it, so we set it up Sunday, using MY email address as his initial contact so the test could go faster. He then added his address, and we thought it was taken care of.
Not so - and I didn't know until *just now,* when I logged into my email and found well over a hundred facebook messages that should have gone to him.
EDIT: I didn't read any of the emails, which were mostly notifications. He's relying entirely on the Facebook interface, so I deleted the emails. (end edit)
I've corrected the problem, and I know he's been having FAR more fun reading facebook than he ever anticipated. He also thinks it's going to be an incredibly constructive tool.
Personally, I'm not on Facebook, and I haven't any intention of joining, really. OK, I've been using LJ off and on for ten years; I prefer it. FvH does have an LJ account, and I know he hasn't checked it in well over two and a half years, nor was it ever public information.
Again, my mistake. I'll ask him to post about it tomorrow; he won't be home until very late tonight - today was the final delivery day for Free Comic Book day, which is Saturday.
feral's facebook