
Sep 16, 2009 16:30

So the holidays are over and I started my Referendariat (for those who have no idea about the German system of becoming a teacher: it’s the phase between finishing the university education (first state-exam) and getting to be a real teacher (second state-exam)). I will start actually teaching in a few weeks. First under supervision but in January at the latest I will be standing all alone in front of the pupils acting as if I was a real teacher (everyone acts as if this is a great learning opportunity, in truth it is because the schools have way too few regular teachers and desperately need everyone they can get).

I just wanted to let people know that I was still among the living even though I feel kind of stressed. Really. I haven’t went to bed this early this regularly since finishing school, it feels kind of weird.

On the bright side: I’m getting paid! Not that much but certainly more than I was getting before and as a civil servant I don’t have to pay as much for health insurance and other things.

To Rena: I’m REALLY sorry for being practically unreachable at the moment. And for vanishing so abruptly recently. I’m promising improvement.

real life, referendariat

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