There's a guy. Of course.
He's taking psych with me. Tall, dark, very sexy, sounds incredibly smart. I think he already has a degree in something else but I missed what his program is now.
I wanna ask him out because, well, guys don't really make moves anymore. Heck, I don't know if he's even noticed.
I have a few dilemmas:
- We don't sit anywhere remotely close. Not that I'd want to chat him up *in class* where he can't escape and that hag stares at us.
- He sits next to a nice vet (that's animals) nurse who's very chatty - they were both in a group project with me (he complimented me that mine was "very thorough" - ironic/sarcastic given that my presentation was on OCD...? As was his - we chose different...aspects of it). She's already ruined one attempt to talk to him - I stood there like an idiot and tried to insert myself into the conversation [about branding cattle - yup, I'm an expert at that...not] hoping she'd such luck.
- Students wait in the hall for our crazed crone of a teacher so there's no real chance to talk to him before class, not semi-privately anyway. I already tried and used up most of my questions (Are you related to So-and-So? How's your final paper going? Then this bomb: What are you checking [on your phone]? After which I proceed to blab that I'm addicted to my email...just WTH? I didn't get to "So do you have a girlfriend?" Yes? "[hand him my number] Text me sometime if you'd like to hang out." Then leave. That way there's no immediate pressure and he can...sorta let me down easy. No GF? "Well, I enjoyed being in a group with you." It's that stupid girlfriend question...I ran out of time then chickened out after vet nurse girl, him and I split up (I got stuck with vet nurse girl. She's nice. But I don't want to date her). I did good, though. Stayed calm and was myself. Except at the end a bit, my hands were shaking, visibly (they do that).
- He doesn't arrive with a lot of time to talk to him before class. See above bullet.
- He tends to linger after class. (Problem is, I don't have a swift "get away" line to end a conversation besides lying, like, "I gotta go do this thing! See ya at finals!"). Also don't want to 'stalk' him.
- Oh, and I've never asked anyone out before. Isn't that just obvious? I get really tongue-tied but I've long-since stopped flirting as I apparently socially castrate any man I speak to. I get the weird looks from guys by walking into a room, mouth shut. Smart+attractive=no male attention (at least none I'd want. The guys that hit on me are at minimum a decade older than me, in their 30's. My dad implied that I should be "flattered" the guy who hits on me, seated, at the movies with his freaking 8-year-old son. That's pathetic of both of them). I'm not over-analyzing this either.
Any advice welcome.