(no subject)

Sep 27, 2009 00:58

the past month has turned me into a real human with actual responsibility and barely any social life. i work 60+ hours a week at jobs that, in all honesty, i could give two shits about. but i work them, i do my best, and in the end, they're decent paychecks.
i'ven been interviewing for permanent jobs. my time is officially up for my marketing coordinator temp position by the end of october (they way things are going, they are likely going to want to keep me on as a temp for a lot longer) and although it has it's high points, i would love to find something else between now and November 1 so I could make a clean break. I would also love to find something else so I could cut down my hours at my part-time job. working this much is EXHAUSTING. i guess i needed it, though, as a shock back into reality.
tor is coming to visit me in less than 2 weeks! and for only 2 days, but it's better than nothing. we were planning on having some sort of actual weekend away from either place that we live in since both of us are working like maniacs, but in the end i couldn't afford to split a hotel room with him right now. so he's coming here, and i expect to be completely horizontal with him the entire weekend. this long distance thing is going to have to change within a year or so...we're both having a difficult time with it.

alright bed goodnight. too tired to use my brain anymore.
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