May 27, 2003 17:51
im so depressed. i had probably one of the funnest weekends of my life so far and im depressed. its because i know it probably won't happen again. i see other people who are always having fun by just being together and i get sad because i think of how many things already in my life i wish i had changed. i wish i had just done everything i wanted and i was able to say that i wish i hadn't done something instead of i wish i had done it. i think im just discouraged. the other day i was crying and i don't even know why. i think i just have a lot of pressure on me and its all just getting to me. in order to stay away from being depressed~~~I, Amanda Giruzzi vow to make this summer one in which i do everything that my little heart desires. I will have no regrets and i will live life to the fullest even if it means doing things i wouldn't normally do maybe getting into a tiny bit of trouble~~~~mark my words everyone who reads this~make sure i am doing all the things i say im going to do. have a wonderful day