Oct 09, 2008 00:59
Frank and I had promised each other that we'd see Simon Pegg's new movie when it came out. She told me it was a book, so I read the book before hand (as you do), and I was very curious to see what they done with it. They kept quite a bit of the really horribly embarassing things in that he'd done, but they changed the ending to make it easier. Along the same lines, but it wasn't as nicely wrapped in a neat little package as it was in real life (the book is the guy's memoir). I kind of got off track there. I was going to go down this past Sunday, but then Frank decided to come up on Tuesday as Tuesdays have been a bit of a waste of a day for me since I started at JK. So she, Cal and myself went to some shops. I dragged them around to get boring things like sheets, and puzzles and cards ("I'll wear it as a cock ring") and winter coats. Frank told me she liked my dream coat better then the ones I tried on, but the internet doesn't want me to have it. Frank didn't get the black shoes she needed, but she did introduce me to Fashion Crimes. Its a store where if you ever want to see a room full of pretty and funky dresses, that's where you go. I said I'd need to take Court's bridesmaids there so we could all have kick ass, yet similar dresses.
We saw the film, review is above. We then went to the Bishop and the Belcher and stalked Steve. Dinner is a busy time for Steve, and he was only able to chat to us once. But that doesn't mean he didn't have time to flip me off. So that's nice. Calandra and I have plans to stalk him in two weeks' time. All are welcome. Only if I know you. You could be an LJ creeper. Which would mean you do less then Frank and I put together, I don't think either of us have slumped as low as to LJ creep. In which case, perhaps you SHOULD come to the pub. For your sanity.
Dave was meant to come over, but he had to go with his mammy to the lawyer in the morning, so he's going to (in theory) come over tomorrow. Frank, Courtney and I are going to go to the Wooly on Sunday because apparently Jack Layton is going to be there! I am excited for that.
Now, best part, I WAS CALLED TALL TODAY AT WORK! All the pastry girls are not tall, and the one, who's 5'3 was shocked, absolutely SHOCKED when I told her I wasn't tall. She was like, uh YA YOU ARE. I was like, ummm no. I'm 5'6. I would put that at average height. I told her that my two best friends are 5'8-5'9 and she thinks they're giants. It made me feel good about myself.
steve the waiter