Mead at the speed of light.....

Oct 27, 2004 20:30

Well, as of this Monday, I have entered the high speed world of DSL. Sprint *finally* got around to upgrading our neighborhoods equipment (perhaps the monthly calls and visits to the regional office to bitch helped?) and we got ours Monday afternoon. I haven't even been home to enjoy it, since I'm in TN this week for my next-to-last travel gig. I'm hoping they'll hire me to create their user manuals and re-do their website....

Meanwhile, I'm going to the International Mead Fest in Boulder, CO the weekend of Nov 4-6. And wonder of wonders, I've been asked to judge at the commercial mead competition there! I'm ecstatic and terrified at the same time. I drink mead, make mead, and like mead. I've tried lots of commercial meads, but have never judged at a competition. I'm studying up on all the judging materials I can find, and hope to bring back a wealth of info on commercial meads to post on Gotmead. I plan to cover the Fest like a reporter, and do a whole section on the event on the site. I'm also hoping that I can talk to some of the pros (after the judging of course) about getting them on the site to sell their wares, and want to get some brewshops to put stores on the site.

Who knows? Maybe I can make Gotmead pay enough to actually break even!

Vicky - on her last day 'cept one in TN training, and wanting to go home
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