Calling For Volunteers
This is it, the time is nearing for our annual Manitoba Doll Show and Sale. Sunday, October 17, 2010 - tell all your friends!! And remember, it's at the Victoria Inn - it's MOVED from last year peoples!
I'm heading it this year and I'm so freaking nervous!! XD I'm sure it's going to be awesome, but if anyone can lend a hand, I'd super duper appreciate it!!
Volunteering for a minimum of 2 hours at the show (either in one 2-hour block or two separate 1-hour blocks) will earn you free admission into the show and an entry into our volunteer prize draw - for gift certificates - yes, like cash (almost!). XD Oh, and all my love and gratitude~
Presentation slots have also been decided and will be as follows:
11am: BJD Panel! Hosted by Yours Truly. :)
12:30: Gene Marshell - Hollywood Starlet (super stylish 15.5" fashion doll) - again Hosted by Me!
2pm: Sewing for Dolls (yay sewing~), Hosted by Anne-Shirley Clough (what, you think I can sew?! XD)
Hope to see everyone there. If you can volunteer, please leave a message here or e-mail me at or the address on the poster - whatever works (it just gets forwarded to my glassalice acct ;3).