Extras of Alex & Ray & DikaDoll Hand Shots

Nov 23, 2009 20:15

Yes, so Alex is back. <3 I really love his new faceup, and now that I'm getting used to it (XD) I'm having no trouble seeing him as 'Alex'. He is not, technically speaking, the same doll in any way. He is a different head and he's on the new body (because his original did not match in colour - but this one is perfect) so basically he's a whole new doll, new face, new everything except for wig and eyes (though I also trimmed his wig so his bangs don't obscure his face so much anymore - did you notice? ;3).

He still has smoky eyes but Bella really elongated them so they look more narrow and asian rather than Alex's previous 'droopy', 'relaxed' look. He looks a little more focused with straighter eyebrows and his lips are much lighter, in fact his overall faceup is much lighter than his previous, but his eyeshadow is amazing and gives them real depth - totally my favourite part. I am having a bit of an issue with a bit of paint pooling on his lower lids (the pink) that catches the light a little weird and I may have to do something about that eventually, but for now I'm dealing and I don't want to risk the faceup. O_O It's too gorgeous...

Anyhoo... Ray's still the same Ray, though I really don't have enough pictures of this boy. XD

I love Ray in Sepia and B&W - his faceup really suits the medium, lots of dark shading. :3


Night Shot. Not very good, but I like it for some reason. XD His skin looks so pale~

DikaDoll Hands

Thought I would take some better pics of the hands, too, in case anyone was interested in them. They are a bit smaller than the SD13 boy hands, though when I was taking pictures I realized... I don't notice it so much in pictures. XD But they are, especially in the palms, and the fingers are more delicate/slender. The ball-joint where it fits into the wrist is also a bit small and as a result, there is little poseability in the wrist joint. He can't really hold his wrist bent at all; pretty much it just stays straight.

But! I still like them. XD Poseable fingers yay~ Now if only Volks would come out with a pair... >> *fingers still crossed on that one* ^^;;;

jointed hands, ray, alex, dolls

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