(no subject)

Sep 20, 2009 23:15

One more post of doll pics taken before last weekend. These were taken after a doll meet at our local gathering spot at The Forks. It was sooooo hot! D: It must have been like +30ºC (+86ºF) and humid. OMG I ran from shade to shade and still I was so uncomfortably hot... T_T The sun was also wicked bright. T__T Still... I had taken four dolls just so I could get pics, and dammit I was determined! XD They were heavy~

Anyhoo. Here are some group pics of my kids: Ray (Tony), Mischa (SWD Syo), Ni (Mimi13), and Wynn (Liz by blanki). All these guys are friends (in my story). Ray and Em are boyfriends, Wynn is a friend of Ray's (her daughter, Pru, is Ray's God-Daughter [or was when he was with Alex, anyway - and for the sake of the dear little 6-year-old's mind still is as far as she knows]), and Ni became friends with them all through her friendship with Alex. They had fun together, I think, even with me pausing every so often and forcing them to take pretty group pictures for me! >3

Ray first because he doesn't get photographed enough by me, poor boy! ^^;

Ray: He falls asleep wherever I take him... *sighing with a fond smile as he shakes his head*
me: Why is he so tired all the time?
Ray: *shrugging as he strokes his boy's hair as Mischa mutters in his sleep* He still doesn't sleep very well... and he stays up too late besides. We have to be at work at 4 a.m. to start the baking and he still stays up 'til 11 or later...

Wynn: *coming up behind Ray* That doesn't seem to make much sense... Why don't you make him sleep?
Ray: *chuckling, grin quirking as he raises an eyebrow at her* You think I can make him do anything?

Ni: *brighteyed with a pleasing smile* I'm a good sleeper, right Mom? Never any trouble with me there... :3
me: Yes, dear. You definitely sleep. You sleep 'til noon every day! :\
Ni: I do not! D: I work in the morning!
me: I mean when you're not working.
Ni: ... Oh.

Group Shot! Forgive the washed-outness. Bright! I said it was bright, din't I? :\ But I liked how they were set up. ^^;

Pretty Mischa. :3 He looks so sweet when he's sleeping~

Ray: Ya. *laughing again* He really fools ya, dun' he?

Wynn staring off into space...

Ni: *giggling* So spacey, Wynn! Wake up, Mom wants a picture! :3
Wynn: Huh? What? Sorry, Ni... uh... Ms. G. Sorry, I was just thinking. ^^;;

Ni: *sighing and giggling again* I think I'm the only normal one, here...

Ray: *whispering to Wynn good-humouredly* Y'know... I think she's making fun of us...
Wynn: *startled again* Huh? What? Sorry, Ray...
Ray: *grinning wider* Never mind... *shaking his head and chuckling*

'Nother group shot. Wynn may be spacey, but at least she's usually awake! XD

Ni, happy to pose for the camera. Mischa (probably wouldn't be but) too unconscious to protest. >3

Everybody together.
Wynn: My knees are starting to get sore from kneeling, Ms. G...
me: Sorry Wynn... I'll try an' hurry, okay?

Wynn: Why does she take so many pictures all the time, anyway?
Ray: Hm? What do you mean? You take lots of pictures of Pru, right?

Wynn: *brow furrowing as if concentrating* Well of course I do, she's my daughter and she's adorable.
Ray: *from aside* Well maybe that's how she feels about us?
Wynn: Hm... maybe. I suppose so.

Ni: Well, I'm used to it... and I'm good at it, too! Right Mom?
me: The best, sweetie. :3

More sneaky!ninja pics of sleepy Mischa.

Straighter group shot - ignore the sameness of the one above! XD I liked them both~

Ni, showing off her casual posing awesomeness.

A Few Ray Pics

Ray: Am I doing this okay?

Ray: Like this?
me: Absolutely, hon! You could do this professionally, you know... :3

Ray: *colouring slightly, embarrassed* Ya, uh... I don't think so. Thanks, though.

me: Why not? :(
Ray: It's okay, Ms. G, I know I don't exactly have the err... figure for it.
me: Oh, pooh. You're adorable~

me: Isn't he, Em, baby? He's adorable~
Mischa: *smirking, eyes narrowing with naughty thoughts as he considers* Ya... he does the trick for me.
Ray: *reddening further, though his lips start to spread in a happy grin* Well, I'm glad at least he thinks so...
me: Hey! I think so, too! I said it first.
Ray: Ya, ya... You know what I mean. *waving it off as he chuckles* Just take the picture, okay?

mischa, niamh, ray, wynnifred, dolls

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