Everything must have a beginning...

Mar 01, 2009 21:46

but beginnings are also the end of something else, just as all endings are yet more beginnings. It is only a matter of where one part stops... and another begins.

For instance... Amy's long and tiring day, her 24-hour-long tale of hard-luck romance with a new band that just isn't working out in a new city that had been yet another attempt at a beginning for a new life... is finally coming to its own end. Walking back to her apartment at four in the afternoon after being up all night and finally crashing on the couch of her sleazy new lead guitarist only to be rudely awakened at two to the sound of a 14-year-old groupie doing things she doesn't need to hear in the other room with him... and she's tired. Sore. Irritable. A fallen branch takes the brunt of her anguish as she goes out of her way to stomp it in two for pure spite; but it only makes her sigh. Sigh and swear.

And all she really wants to do is trudge her weary way home and curl up in her own sheets, even if those sheets are only spread over a too-thin mattress on a dirty and stained carpet.

She's just glad this day is over.

Or so she thinks.

Amy: What the hell?

Amy: *muttering as her brow creases* Now there's something you don't see every day...

Amy: A half-dressed girl in the middle of a park when it's thirty below...

Amy: Curious... *heading over to the shivering girl*

???: *clearly disoriented, balanced on a fallen log as if she'd stumbled onto it and collapsed. She shakes her head, blinking blurry eyes as a dark shape approaches* Wh--?

Amy: Well, well... you look like you could use a hand there, princess.

???: I don-- I-- Who... are you?
Amy: *one hand reaching out gently for the other girl's arm, her smile at the same time bemused as infinitely patient, whether out of genuine niceness or pure exhaustion would be hard to tell, though* Name's Amy. You got one?

???: Got... what? *squinting up into the glare of the sun, blinking as if it hurts as she struggles to focus on the swimming face in front of her, blond hair, blue eyes...*
Amy: A name, princess... *voice softer with a subtle sigh*

???: I... I don't... remember.

Amy: Well then... that just won't do at all... Can't have some nameless princess running around half-naked in the snow now, can we? Maybe you'd just better come home with me...

???: Wha-?
Amy: Come on. *grasping a delicate wrist with a sure and gentle grip* Put your arm around my shoulders, up we go... That's it. Good girl... Are you cold?

???: *pulled swayingly to her feet, held close as her knees continue to give beneath her light weight, still shivering* I... I don't think so... *golden-hazel eyes meeting a blur of blue, swaying again, steadied again* Should I be?

Amy: Ya... you are definitely comin' home with me. No way am I leaving you out here alone. Maybe we should swing by the cop-station on the way home, too... make a report or something... okay?
???: Cop... station?
Amy: Ya. Cop station. Trust me...

ps, merolanna, amy, dolls

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