Love at first sight?

Feb 28, 2009 20:57

This post dedicated to the lovely doll_paparazzi for pointing me towards this girl. <3 Thank you so much! And thanks also to the lovely marny from whom this beauty came. :3

Yes! It's a Pearl! :D

I think first off I have to say Pearl is so much softer in person than she looks in the company photos. I mean not that she looked tremendously mean or bad-ass or anything there either... but I was sort of expecting a darker look - one that I might mold into the cunning and cold character I had planned for her - and somehow this girl's sweet, wistful smile gives quite the opposite effect in person. ^^ Yes, quite the opposite from giving a mysterious 'I'm plotting something but I'm not telling you' look, her smile is instead disarming and sweet. :3 She reminds me of Aniqa (my Renee) - in her smile. Her faceup is absolutely stunning in it's detail!! So beautiful~ She even has perfectly painted lil' teef! :B (SO CUTE TEEF!! I has a soft-spot for teef. ^^) Her eyes are smoky and sultry and every detail is so fine...

So basically what I'm saying is... she does not fit the character I had planned for her. But she's so pretty she's staying anyway. XD So now I have to re-work her character and figure out just who has actually come home to us. :3 This is both a fun and very frustrating task but it's more fun and intriguing than frustrating. ;3

The one thing I do know about her is her name, Merolanna (named after a Tad Williams character in his Shadowmarch trilogy - but if anyone knows it please be careful of revealing spoilers to me 'cuz I've only just finished the first k thank u! XD). Mostly, I just liked the name and still do. ^^ I also had a thought that she would be Alex's Great Aunt and this may still be the case... in some form or other. XD

She's so sweet... this may or may not be a ploy. And Amy has taken to her so hard. They've been nearly inseperable since she arrived (save for when I steal her away for myself ^^). I suspect a romantic connection there - not sure how though! XD

Ah, sigh...

Anyhoo. So I got home from work today at about 5:30 and the sun was already setting but I thought I would run out and snap what I could because I was eager to share. ^^ It was cold! But I got a few nice pics, I think - at least enough to show off. :3 I need to get more pos-y shots and more shots of her outfit but it was srsly too cold to fiddle with posing so... I will get more later. Yus. Heh. ^^*

First the very sunny picture before Wendy remembered to switch the settings on her camera - but I liked it anyway so here it is! XD


One of the only shots of her whole outfit - sorry guys! It's really pretty, though. :3 The fabric is gorgeous and a wonderful colour, especially the lining which is a very complimentary brown with pretty bird/branch detailing. :) The bobble/necklace-thing is the only srsly irritating part (and also somewhat more mildy the fact that it is so short she can't sit without entirely flashing her undies - but then YAY she came with undies XD). Is it odd that I almost want to get a whole 'nother Pearl outfit just so I can have one where I can cut off that bobble without actually destroying her fullset-ed-ness? The whole one would just go in a box somewhere but OMG it's really irritating and I can't bring myself to cut it off without a backup... >> Anyhoo.

She does wistful/sad/thinky a lot, too. :3

But mostly she seems very sweet and content. :)

Boots again!! :D By far my favourite part of her whole outfit. XD These are the sexiest damn boots EVAR! And the real plus... they are REALLY WELL BALANCED! She stands in them so nice~

Cute profile. :3

So all-in-all, I am very happy with her. :3 I find I really like the SD16 girl body and Pearl has a gorgeous face somewhere between Alex's (Kohya's) eyes and Aniqa's (Renee's) smile, with adorable little chubby cheeks. :3 Her wig is so annoying - it's gorgeous, but exemplifies the problems with fly-aways. And I really hate fly-aways... -_- I think I will change her wig... and y'know... I'll eventually get around to changing her, too, but I like her fullset outfit a lot so it's gonna stay for a while, I think - besides... I only have one actually-SD16 girl outfit and this one has already made sure I understand that she's a lot pickier than Amy and she would like clothes actually designed to fit her. Ya... Another clothes-diva. Just what I need... ^^ Still. Pretty happy over here. :3

Now for another month of PB&J to pay her off. XD Ha! Oh, she was so worth it~

merolanna, dolls

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