finally updating on birthday yays after a busy week ^^

Jun 10, 2008 09:24

Erm... Hi! It's been a busy week, but I am finally updating on RL stuff! First off, THANK YOU to everyone who posted loverly birthday pictures and well-wishes for me on my day - u r all awesome! *luvs* I am so not used to that... ^^;;; But then, I am so bad with dates, sometimes I think I forget my own birthday. :P But rainbows and hot men making out with one another (including one's very own hot guy and his hot guy ;3) = very nice presents for ones birthday. XD And yes, I am talking pictures here, *sigh* if only that last bit had been in person, right? ^^;;; Ah ha... ya. *dorkish*

I had a very good birthday, with cake (care of Pris)! Tinkerbell~

It was ice-cream and YUM. There were presents and cards that SING! and good food and shopping and some excellent company. :3

And then work. XP We'll ignore that bit. >> Not important... ^^ The rest of it was super, though!

And then the next day there was more cards - with NEKKID kitties XD this time - and good company. Kersuru and I went to see the movie "Made of Honour." It had that guy from Grey's Anatomy in it and despite my initial reluctance, it proved to have quite a few funny bits that had me laughing out loud. ^^ Mini-kilt. *giggles* It had an unfair advantage though, I think, in that me and Kersuru had the WHOLE theatre to ourselves! :D Yes, just us in the giant theatre. We sang along to the good songs and boo'ed at the screen when the silly boy was doing silly things. XD We talked and put our feet up on the chairs in front of us and just generally had a blast. That does not happen often - being all alone with a friend in a whole theatre. :) It was cool. I think I need that - I tend to talk too much during movies, as certain people have noted in the past. :P

Then there was finding Tinkerbell on a key and being amused, and my now unlocking our back door with Tinkerbell. XD I should take a pic of that later... Anyhoo. More awesome.

The haul this year includes some kick-ass comics like Tank Girl, Buffy, and the original sketch-cover of Anita Blake #1! Chocolate and Chocolate chillers from Second Cup, tea (um... thanks? I'm going to try putting lots of sugar in it and maybe some lemon or something and then ice to make it a sweet tea?) that apparently blooms like a flower in my brand new shiny glass teapot - which is really cool-looking and which I like despite the fact that I don't drink tea... I will use it for guests. ^^ I got a new duvet cover and sheet set - which is kind of antiquey-princessy-looking and embroidered with teal vines (my Mother has... rather different tastes than me and seems to think her taste is better so mine does not matter... but thanks Mom! I love it?) that is really soft and smooth and therefore perfectly wonderful when the lights are off and my eyes are closed. XD Even the pattern is also horrifyingly starting to kinda grow on me... so... yay? :) I got monies - with which I bought tickets to a night tour in Alcatraz with the gang when we're in San Fran! :D and also some dollie clothes (who can resist doll stuff?). ^^ Ooh, and an old copy of Alice in Wonderland (who would guess that despite my obsession with the story, I have not, in fact, actually read the original? So I'm looking forward to doing that, now ^^). Oooh ooh! And a tiny paintbrush! Yay tiny paintbrushes~

All-in-all, a most excellent birthday week - in fact, listing it all off, I feel kind of overwhelmed... T_T I have such awesome friends~~~ YOU GUYS ARE ALL KICK ASS! :D I love you!!!

Erm... I don't know what else to say? Except OMG travel delays suck!! >> I am left wishing today for a friend's safe, smooth, and trouble-free return this afternoon. *keeping fingers crossed!* GOOD LUCK!


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