I think I'm... improving?

May 30, 2008 23:50

Okay, so I think I'm improving with practice and study... but I am open to tips and suggestions! I posted in the critique section on DoA and I've been getting some good advice, but I know I have some artists on my f-list, so I'm posting here, too.

Specific questions:

1) How to blend pastel blushing (like for the eyeshadow) so the line is not so stark around the edges?

2) How to get a clean line when painting eyebrows with a template? Is it impossible? XD Or do I just suck? ^^;;;

3) How to get super tiny eyelashes - mine are still too thick? I use a 20/0 liner. I also still am not sure where to start them and where to start making them thicker or keep them thin and short?

Okay, I think that's what I need help with most at this point... >>

My Progress (the Lusis face of DOOM, through 3 faceups - the 2nd being Disaster) - mostly pics of the newest to show off 'cuz I'm proud I'm getter better get critique?

I really am not afraid of critique... I promise. I am asking for honest opinions (constructive ones, hopefully) and tips! If anyone wouldn't mind. :)


The head blank:

The first faceup - y'all remember this one, right? ^^

Things I liked: the eyebrows - I cleaned up the rough edges on the eyebrows and painted them thicker to cover up the mess... but it worked? They were clean. But then of course, I added detail lines and they looked okay, but got kinda cross-hatched. :\ Which was not good...

The eyeshadow? I kinda liked it, what can I say... The major problem? I'm not entirely sure how I got the color on the lid like that...? o_O It was really thin, translucent-y color. I don't know why? >> Sucks when you do something you like and don't know how you accomplished it...

The second one - I screwed up so bad... Attempt at feathery eyebrows = fail. They were too thin. My attempts at feathery eyebrows either look too thin/sparse or I accidentally make the lines too thick and it just loses all definition and looks messy. :\

The lips are also purple. This was not on purpose. How do I keep ending up with purple? o_O Anyone who understands how to mix paint colours - please help?! What am I doing??? It was a mix of red and brown and black... I think?

And the most recent (current) one:

The only thing on which I would definitely change - aside from improving on actual technique (like thinner lashes) - is that the top grey/silver liner (which I really like, esp. with the pink) is too light compared to how dark the bottom liner is. It throws off the balance of the eye... I know. -_-

You can see how rough the eyebrow edges are here. :\ It's like it gets a ridge of paint built up around it from where the paint pools against the template? Can I avoid this?

Bottom lashes - too thick the whole way across, needs to be thinner closer to the inner eye? Any suggestions for where to start/how to get the lengths/widths right? Someone already suggested I get a thin paintbrush and hack it down to just a few hairs to get really thin lashes?

The lips, which I like. It was already suggested the dimple things are too dark - and I think I might agree... but question: how do you get those damn things in there without brushing paint onto the top/bottom lips? I always smudge... :\ It's infuriating. I mean it's the last thing I do... and when I mess up... it's just... it's infuriating. >< And should they just be brown/black, or do you guys add more red to match the lips? I'm not sure...

Anyhoo. That's it. I am very open to help! Plz? ^^


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