FIC: Closer to the Heart - Chapter 16

Oct 06, 2010 09:59

Title: Closer to the Heart
Chapter 16: Touched
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: If you're not offended by the episode, you shouldn't be offended by this fic.
Summary: Faith has taken the leadership role at Command Central. Where does that leave Buffy?

A/N: This is getting to be an interesting challenge. Also, I'm not gonna rewrite those first couple of argument scenes just to pull Willow's lines out. There are two scenes and she has one line in each of them; assume the conversation flowed similarly enough without her. The ones she actually impacted, I'll rewrite.


Willow's feet were getting tired. Buffy was more accustomed to the walking, having patrolled nearly every night for seven years and having spent the majority of her life without a driver's license. With everything else, walking felt particularly painful. However, neither of them was ready for discussion and so they walked along in silence. It was just as Willow was wondering how far they would go that Buffy finally stopped, turning toward one of many empty-looking houses on the road. Willow followed quietly as Buffy walked up the driveway and kicked down the door.

At first glance, the house appeared to be empty as suspected, but as they stepped across the threshold, a man came around the corner, holding a shotgun.

"Don't move," he said, both commanding and panicked. "Get out of my house."

"Hey." Buffy stepped forward and pulled the shotgun away before the man could react; he sighed in grim defeat. "I thought the place would be empty," Buffy explained to him. "We were looking for a place to crash. You know, you really should leave."

"You can't just kick me out of my own house," the man retorted indignantly.

"Why not?" challenged the Slayer dryly. "It's what all the cool kids are doing nowadays."

"This town really is kinda going to hell," Willow pointed out. "Kinda literally."

"It's not your house," Buffy continued. "It's not your town. Not anymore."

The man left quietly through the open door as Buffy went to raid the fridge.

"Got any tab?"


"I've never been the bait before," Kennedy commented as she pulled a Bringer's knife from its own back. "That was, uh…actually kind of scary."

"We had your back," said potential Slayer Caridad.

"Maybe she did," Vi contradicted. "I was just enjoying the view."

"You mean you would've let that guy kill me?" Kennedy questioned with a pout as Giles tied up the last living Bringer.

"I know you can handle yourself," Vi assured her. "You're really something when you fight. The way you move…" she blushed slightly.

"Yes, well…" Giles stood, removing his glasses to clean them. "You did well, Kennedy," he complimented. "Your performance as a disgruntled minion was spot on."

"I method," said Kennedy with a smile and a shrug as she grasped Vi's hand. "Let's get this back to the captain," she added, nodding toward the Bringer.


"So…" Willow prompted gently, laying next to Buffy on the bed they had annexed along with the rest of the house.

"Just hold me," Buffy pleaded.

Pulling herself closer, Willow cradled the Slayer's head to her chest with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her waist.

"Can we talk about it?" requested the witch.

"I don't know," Buffy answered quietly.

"We can wait - if you'd rather just sleep," Willow offered. "We can talk in the morning."

"You shouldn't have come with me," said the Slayer sadly.

"You're worth it," Willow countered firmly. "I wasn't about to let you walk out thinking you're not worth it. You're so important to me, Buffy. I need you to know that."

"You should've stayed," continued the Slayer. "This isn't your burden."

"You're not a burden, Buffy," said Willow devoutly. "I love you."

"I'm sorry," Buffy added. "I pulled you away from - everyone."

"Two things," Willow told her. "First, I walked away. You didn't pull me away. Second, I wouldn't have been able to stay. Not after that. I don't know if you - things almost got - really bad… Time away is - necessary. I might've…"

"Will…" Buffy shifted slightly, looking up at the witch's face.

"It was hard to hold back," she explained. "When they were - I wanted to magic their mouths shut - teach them to respect you - the hard way… The - the thoughts I had… A-and when - I can't…"

Silence fell. They both shifted anxiously trying to get closer to each other, to comfort and be comforted in kind.

"Anyway," said Willow, sniffling slightly. "I'm not sorry I left."

"I've always been cut off," Buffy observed. "And now I'm dragging you with me."

"No, Buffy."

"I'm not good for you…"

"Stop that," Willow insisted. "It's not like that." Soothingly, she began stroking the Slayer's hair. "I made my own choices, Buffy. I'm here because I believe you're right. I trust you completely. And we'll sort this out."


"We can do it," asserted the redhead. "They want proof, so we'll get it. We'll go together."

"No," Buffy said again.

"You don't have to go alone."

"I'm not going."


"Oh, hey," said Dawn as Giles and Faith came into the kitchen. "So…?"

"Uh, the Bringer's dumb," said Giles, replacing his glasses.

"You were expecting, what, a Rhoades Scholar?" Anya challenged.

"Dumb as in mute," Giles clarified.

"Someone ripped out its tongue," added Faith helpfully.

"Oh, gross," Amanda noted.

"Hey…" Dawn held up a hand to silence the group as a thought occurred to her. "I've been reading this old Turkish spell book. There's an old conjuration that the ancient Turks used to communicate with the dying."

"And…?" Faith prompted.

"Um, so the spell is used to communicate with people who can't talk," explained the teen. "Um, like if a person was dying, this spell would let them say their goodbyes or, you know, gripe about how nobody came to visit them. Would this help us with Mr. No-Tongue?"

"Seems plausible," Giles allowed. "Without - without Willow though."

"Oh, don't give me that," Dawn countered. "This is basic stuff."

"I think even I could pull it off," Anya supplemented helpfully.

"See? Anya can help me."

"Great," said Faith. "While you guys do that, the rest of us can-"

"We're back!" called Andrew's voice from the front door.

Everyone froze.

"Spike," Giles commented as the vampire walked into the room.

"Hey," said Spike nonchalantly, looking around to see who was in the room.

"Hi, everybody," Andrew said cheerfully as he entered the room, carrying his helmet over to a shelf. "I missed you guys a lot. Sorry it took so long to get back from our mission - mission, but we had to wait out the sun." The others waited nervously, watching Andrew in an attempt to avoid meeting Spike's eye. "Well, I think our mission went very well. We, uh, we rode on Spike's hog, which was very cool, and, uh - uh, played some amusing games, and - oh! We got some new information. You know what?" he added as he started to leave the room. "I really need to urinate."

"He's a breath of fresh air, isn't he?" Spike asked as Andrew left the room. "Thank God I don't breathe." No one made any replies. "So, I think we got a lead. Where's Buffy?"

"Um…" Dawn still wouldn't meet the vampire's gaze. "She's not here right now."

"And Willow?" he prompted further.

"With her," Giles informed him.

"Well, when are they getting back?" he asked leadingly.

"Ah, well, uh…" Giles stammered awkwardly. "While you were away we - all of us - we - discussed some things."

"Some disagreements," Xander offered helpfully.

"And - after much deliberation - Buffy decided it would be best if she…"

"Took some time off."

"Uh-huh," said Spike disbelievingly. "So, uh, Buffy took some time off, right in the middle of the apocalypse, and it was her decision?"

"Well, we all decided," Xander pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. You all decided," the vampire scoffed. "You sad, sad, ungrateful traitors. Who do you think you are?"

"We're her friends," defended Xander. "We just wanted-"

"Oh, that's ballsy of you," Spike retorted. "You're her friends and you betray her like this?"

"You don't understand," said Giles.

"You know, I think I do," Spike interrupted. "Rupert," he added disdainfully. "You used to be the big man, didn't you? The teacher, all full of wisdom. Now she's surpassed you and you can't handle it. She has saved your lives again and again," he told the group. "She has died for you. And this is how you thank-"

"Hey," Faith cut him off. "Why don't you take it down a notch or two? The time for speech giving is over, bat boy."

"Oh, is that right?" Spike challenged, crossing his arms and eyeing the Slayer coldly.

"Yeah, that's right," said Faith, meeting his glare just as boldly. "Save your lack of breath."

"Alright." Spike relaxed his posture slightly before rearing back and punching Faith.

"You're pretty sweet on her aren't you?" Faith kicked him once in the face. "I think it's cute," they traded blows, "the way she's got you whipped." Another kick sent Spike into the dining room, sliding across the table.

"Enough!" Giles insisted loudly.

Faith ignored the Watcher, charging into the dining room and beginning to hit Spike's face repeatedly. Kicking her off, Spike leapt again to his feet.

"Finally got what you wanted, didn't you?" Spike taunted as they exchanged more punches. "Where are they?"

"I don't know," Faith returned angrily.

For a tense moment, they stared at each other in cold fury before Spike turned and walked out the door.


"Wasn't that always a possibility?" Buffy suggested. "Faith wants to be Miss Sunnydale in the Slayer pageant, she can have it."

"No," Willow denied. "Buffy, if you wanna rest, then that's one thing… But I'm not gonna be Support-O-Gal while you give up on something you believe in. They took this from you, Buffy, but it wasn't theirs to take."

"What difference does it make?"

"We'll take it back," persisted the witch. "You're not a quitter, Buffy."

"Watch me."

"You're too good for this," Willow continued, undeterred. "I believe in you, Buffy. I won't give up on you and you shouldn't give up on yourself either."

"What if they're right?" The Slayer's voice shook slightly. "I was wrong about everything else. Cutting myself off from them - pushing you away - trusting…any of them."

"I think you're wrong right now."

Buffy sat up.

"If you let this take you down, then you're wrong," Willow continued boldly, sitting up as well. "But you can make it right if you work for it. You're an amazing woman, Buffy. Kind and strong and so incredible."

"I don't feel incredible," Buffy confided.

"But you are," vowed Willow. "You are." She brought a hand up to Buffy's face.

"I'm just so tired."

"So sleep," Willow recommended softly, stroking the Slayer's cheek with her thumb. "You can rest and we can leave everything else for the morning. Just let go and be free for a while. Like a kite - a kite in the wind. You be a kite, and I'll be your kite string."

"I love you," she said gently, leaning on the witch as they eased back onto the mattress. "It's the only thing I know - but I know it."

"I love you too."


"Speak to us," Dawn said commandingly, having finished reading the incantation to the Bringer.

"Maybe I should rough him up a little," Andrew suggested.

"Andrew!" Xander said shortly.

"Quiet!" Kennedy supplemented.

"I-I don't know guys," said Dawn in confusion. "That should have worked." She looked to Giles.

"I am a drone in the mind that is evil," Andrew said tonelessly.

"Could you just shut up?" Xander snapped in frustration.

"I say I'm part of the great darkness."

"Somebody needs a reality check," retorted Kennedy.

"Or a muzzle," Xander quipped.

"Wait…" Giles turned to Andrew in realization.

"I am only a fragment of the we. We work as one to serve The First."

Xander and Kennedy backed away from the table as understanding hit them.

"So what do you - the we - do for The First?" Dawn asked, looking between Andrew and the Bringer, trying to decide which one she should speak to.

"We work to prepare for the inevitable battle."

Kennedy grabbed the Bringer's knife and held it to its master's throat.

"How?" she demanded. "Tell me exactly what the Bringers are doing."

"Kennedy," Giles protested, "he can't see the knife."

"We can feel the knife."

"Kennedy?" Giles held out his hand for the weapon, which she grudgingly handed to him.

"We attend to the needs of the infinite evil. We exterminate girls and destroy the legacy of the Slayer. We build an arsenal beneath the dirt. We obey the commands of our teacher Caleb."

"Wait," Xander interrupted. "Could we go back to the dirt thing?"

"We build weapons to prepare for the coming war…at the farthest edge of town. We are everywhere. We are like the ocean's waves. We watch your efforts and are not scared. We will laugh at you as you die."

Giles stepped forward and cut the Bringer's throat with his own knife.

"What the bananas?" Andrew exclaimed, clutching convulsively at his own throat. "You are so lucky that you did not just - magically decapitate me."

"We've got enough here," Giles decided, ignoring Andrew. "We need to get Faith in on this."

"I'll get her," Kennedy volunteered, hurrying up the stairs.

"Xander," the Watcher continued, "gather some maps. We need to find a subterranean space large enough to house an armory." Along with Dawn, they made their way upstairs as well.

"I feel used and violated," Andrew commented, following behind them and holding his throat. "I need a lozenge."


Buffy and Willow lay still and quiet for a moment. Until someone started knocking on the door.

"Who'd be knocking?" Willow questioned.

"Leave it," said the Slayer. "They'll go away."

And for a second it seemed like they had. Then…

"There you are," said Spike, striding in the doorway.

"Spike?" Willow stirred at the vampire's entrance; Buffy sank quietly into a pillow, not caring to talk to either of them.

"Do you realize I could just walk in here, no invite needed? This town really is there's now, isn't it?"

"Seems like," Willow said dryly. "Did you-"

"I heard," Spike answered before Willow could finish the question. "I was over there. That bitch." Willow frowned in confusion, surprised that Spike would talk about Dawn that way. "She's all about smiles and reformation when you're on your feet," and then Willow realized that Spike had meant Faith; Buffy remained motionless and silent, "but the moment you're down, it's all about the kicking, isn't that right? Makes me want-"

"It wasn't just Faith." Buffy spoke at last. "It was all of them." She sighed heavily as Willow reached over to stroke her hair. "And it's not like they were wrong." She looked over at Spike. "Please leave."

"Maybe you should," Willow added. "Just leave it until-"

"No," Spike stated firmly. "This'll change your tune," he continued excitedly. "I came here 'cause I got something to tell you," he looked directly at Buffy. "You were right."

"What do you-" Willow began.

"Caleb is trying to protect something from you. And I think you were spot on, all the way; I think it's at the vineyard. So?" he prompted. "You were right. Buffy?"

"I don't feel very right," she answered sadly.

"Buffy…" Willow continued to stroke her hair calmingly.

"You're not fooling me," the vampire insisted.

Buffy moved slightly to look at him.

"What do you even mean?" she challenged.

"You're not a quitter," Spike reasoned.

"I tried that one," Willow pointed out.


"Just leave it for morning, Spike," requested the redhead.

"Buffy," he turned his gaze to her again, "you were their leader. You still are. This isn't something you gave up, it's something they took."

"Tried that one too," Willow informed him. "Just let her sleep for now."

"But we can take it back," Spike argued.

"No," the Slayer said softly, sitting up as she abandoned the prospect of sleep until Spike was sufficiently dealt with.


"Hey, Faith," said Kennedy from the doorway.

"What is it, Ken?" asked the Slayer as she turned away from the window through which she had been staring.

"Two things," Kennedy prefaced. "Actually three," she decided. "First, don't call me Ken. Second, Giles wants you downstairs to go over what we got from the Bringer."

"Okay." Faith crossed to the door.

"And the third thing," Kennedy continued, barring Faith's progress. "Well…Buffy and Willow are gone."

"And I thought I was slow," Faith quipped.

"Their room is empty," explained Kennedy. "Maybe you should take it…"

"Ohhh." Faith rolled her eyes. "Fine. Now get out of the way."

"Thanks," said Kennedy as she stepped aside.


"No?" Spike inquired.

"No," repeated the Slayer, sliding to the edge of the bed.

"You mean no as in eventually?"

"You really have problems with that word, don't you?"

"You can get them back," Spike insisted.

"Can, maybe," Buffy allowed. "Should?" Willow joined Buffy at the edge of the bed, sitting to the Slayer's left. "I'm just so tired." Her head dropped casually onto the witch's shoulder.

"Spike, just let her rest," Willow requested.

"They need you," persisted Spike. "Both of you."

"Well, I-" Buffy started.

"It's bloody chaos over there without you."

"It is?" Buffy questioned.

"Really?" added Willow, slightly alarmed.

"Yeah!" Spike's voice cracked as he said it. "Yeah, it's uh…there's junk." Willow frowned; Buffy had never stopped frowning. "You know, food cartons, sleeping bags not rolled up, everyone's very scared and - uh, unkempt."

"Sounds dire," Buffy retorted dryly.

"I didn't see a lot." Spike sat at Buffy's other side. "I came, hit Faith a bunch of times, and left."

"Really?" asked Buffy, face brightening slightly. "I mean, not that I'm glad, but-"

"Oh, you say the word and she's a footnote in history," Spike pledged. "I'll make it look like a painful accident."

"Hey, I'd kill her too," Willow offered competitively.

"That's my problem," Buffy said quietly. "I say the word, some girl dies…every time."

"Buffy, that's not your fault," Willow reminded her.

"Yeah, there's always casualties in war," Spike supplemented.

"Casualties," Buffy observed. "It just sounds so…casual. These are girls - that I got killed."

"Not your fault," Willow repeated firmly.

"I cut myself off from them…all of them. I knew I was gonna lose some of them and I didn't…" She shook her head sadly and stood. "You know what?" Tone becoming frustrated, she turned to face Willow and Spike. "I'm still making excuses. I've always cut myself off. I've always…" A sigh escaped her. "Being the Slayer made me different. But it's my fault I stayed that way."

"Look at you!" Willow stood indignantly. "It's like you're turning into Angel or something. Enough with the self-loathing! Yes, you cut yourself off, but who can blame you?" She gestured flamboyantly with her hands as she spoke. "Look at me! Look at Spike! We're in your corner, Buffy. There are people who support you and believe in you and love you. I'm telling you now to get over it! If you have to cut yourself off, then do it, but don't you dare hate yourself afterwards. You're extraordinary and nothing you've done could make me think otherwise."

"What she said," Spike offered, pointing at Willow.

"You both know," Buffy told them plainly. "People are always trying to connect to me - and I just slip away."

"Get over it!" said Willow again. "Either embrace it or change it - that's in your power - but enough of the wallowing. I get it," she assured the Slayer, "you put yourself out there - you tried to trust them - and they threw it back in your face. It happens. That just means it didn't work that time, it doesn't mean you're incapable of connecting… We're connected."

"I seem to recall a certain amount of connecting," added Spike.

"Oh, please," Buffy dismissed, shaking her head at the vampire. "We were never close. You just wanted me because I was - unattainable."

"You think that's all that was?" Spike challenged, standing angrily.

"Please, let's not go over the past," said Buffy, returning to the bed. Willow watched them both, standing awkwardly in place and looking suddenly conflicted.

"Oh, no, no," Spike argued. "I've hummed along to your pity ditty and I think I should have the mic for a bit."

"Fine," Buffy conceded. "The stage is yours. Cheer me up."

"Buffy, I love you," Willow interrupted. "You know that, right?"

Spike shifted uncomfortably, watching in silence.

"What?" asked the Slayer in confusion. "Of course I do."

"We're connected," the witch said quietly. "I know you're connected; I've been in there, remember?"

"Yes, Will."

"Do you think I don't feel the same way?"


"I love you…does that mean anything to you?" She looked into the Slayer's eyes, pleading silently.

"Willow, it means everything to me," Buffy vowed, standing again and taking both of Willow's hands in her own. "I love you too."

"Aren't we close?"

"Oh…I-I didn't mean to…" she trailed off uncertainly. "I know that you love me. Really, I do."

"You keep saying that no one's close to you - and I'm right here." Tears spilled from her eyes. "And it hurts me when you say that."

"Willow…" She pulled the witch close to her. "I really didn't mean it like that."

"You're not alone, Buffy," Willow said thickly. "I keep trying to tell you - and you never believe it."

"I believe it," Buffy assured her. "I'm sorry - I shouldn't have said it that way. I didn't mean you… I really do know you love me. I always feel it from you - I was just talking about - I believe it," she repeated. "I believe you."

"We - we need to have our date soon," said Willow, pulling back and drying her eyes. "I need you to understand - that I feel exactly the same way you feel about me."

"Okay," said Buffy reassuringly. "Soon. But I really do believe you. I've never been this close to anyone. I - I was kind of taking it for granted - and I'm sorry. I just meant that - other people. I believe in you. I just wish other people loved me too."

"I do," Spike offered quietly.

"Spike," Buffy countered with a trace of exasperation.

"It's not like that," he contradicted her quickly. "Buffy, when I say 'I love you', it's not because I want you or I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are," Spike continued fervently, "what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are." A single tear rolled down Buffy's face now. "You're a hell of a woman."

"What he said," Willow added. "You're the one, Buffy."

"I don't wanna be the one," she told them quietly.

"I don't wanna be your most powerful weapon," Willow pointed out.

"I don't wanna be this good looking and athletic," Spike supplemented. "We all have crosses to bear."

They all grinned slightly.

"You're loved, Buffy," Willow vowed. "By lots of people, whether you know it or not. I could go back and grab Xander; he'd tell you the same thing. Even though they disagree - there are people there who love you… You don't have to make any decisions tonight - but don't forget that you're loved. And more than that - you're worth loving."

"Willow," Buffy answered shortly, tears flowing freely now.

"I'll leave you two alone," Spike decided.

"Spike," said the witch gently, "you don't have to…"

"I'll check in before first light," he promised them. "Buffy, you can decide how you want…" He paused for a moment and then turned quietly.


Vi had been surprised when she pulled back her sleeping bag to find a note waiting for her. The page was torn from her own notebook and she recognized the handwriting as Kennedy's. Now she stood outside the door to Kennedy's room, holding that note and staring apprehensively at the doorknob. After a moment's indecision, she placed one hand on the knob and raised the other, knocking softly.

"Come in," Kennedy called softly from the other side.

"Hey," Vi greeted as she entered. "So I got your note. What did you wanna - whoa." Vi dropped the folded piece of paper.

Kennedy lay uncovered on the bed, wearing a slinky nightie and twirling her hair casually around one finger.

"Lock it," the brunette instructed as Vi shut the door.

"So, um…" Vi turned to face Kennedy again. "Holy God, you look good."

"Thanks," said Kennedy with a smile.

"It's, uh…" as she spoke, she stepped forward cautiously, "it's just us then?"

"It is."


"Taking Buffy's room," Kennedy said informatively. "Just me - and you… Come here." She patted the bed next to her.

"Okay." Slowly, she eased herself onto the bed next to the scantily clad potential Slayer, blushing slightly as her breathing became uneven. "This - this is nice."

"Nice," Kennedy agreed, nudging Vi's chin gently. "And necessary."

Vi closed the distance between them and they started kissing.

"Mmm," Kennedy mumbled contentedly. "Foreplay was," kiss, "threatening to," kiss, "turn into twelve-play."

After another kiss, Vi pulled back, rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

"Something not right?" Kennedy asked her quietly.

"It's just…"

"Too fast?" guessed Kennedy.

"No," Vi assured her quickly. "I'm, uh - kinda scared right now."

"Probably stupid to ask why, huh?" Kennedy trailed a finger along Vi's shoulder. "Death, war, apocalypse."

"Me," supplied the redhead. "Kennedy - I've - never done this before…"

"With a girl?" prompted the brunette.

"With anyone."

"Oh…" Kennedy's finger stopped stroking Vi's shoulder. "If you'd rather - I mean we can wait."

"No," answered Vi. "I want to. Really… I'm just nervous."

"It's okay if you want to wait, Vi," said Kennedy reassuringly. "Really, it is."

"I don't wanna wait," Vi replied. "I just - I wanna do it right."

"I'm sure it will be wonderful," Kennedy pledged. "Just being with you will make it wonderful."

"Sounds nice when you put it that way - but I don't know if I'll be any good at - you know, sex."

"You'll be fine, Vi," Kennedy promised her. "Trust your instincts." She kissed Vi's shoulder encouragingly.

"What if I have bad instincts?"

"Relax," stated Kennedy firmly. "I'm still gonna love you in the morning no matter what happens."

"Love?" Vi's eyes widened.

"Have I not said that out loud yet?" Kennedy verified. "Yes…love. And that's a lot more important than the sex."

"I know that."

"Really though," continued the brunette. "Even if it's not perfect - it will be wonderful. Just like the kissing. If it needs work, then we work on it together. Even if we're completely terrible - and I don't think we will be - but even then, I would still care about you. There's no pressure, okay? Just relax and enjoy yourself."

Vi rolled onto her side, facing Kennedy.

"I love you too," she proclaimed, leaning in for a kiss. "I'll work on the relaxing."

"That's all I'm asking for."

Their lips met again.


Buffy stirred gently in the pre-dawn gloom. Her head was comfortably nestled against Willow's chest though the witch's arm, which had been cradling Buffy's head, had now drifted off to the side. Quietly as she could, Buffy pushed herself up and got off the bed.

Willow shifted slightly, but did not wake as Buffy opened the drawer in the nightstand. Finding what she was looking for, the Slayer extracted paper and pen and began writing out a note to her sleeping girlfriend. When she finished, she folded the note and placed it on the vacant pillow, softly kissing Willow's forehead before she left.


"Morning, lover," Kennedy said warmly, snuggling up close to Vi as she woke. She draped an arm casually over the redhead's thin frame.

"Mmm," Vi arched contentedly, "morning," she replied.

"I love you." She kissed the back of Vi's neck softly.

"I love you too," said Vi, rolling over to face the brunette. "What time is it?"

"6:30," Kennedy answered. "We're gonna have to get ready soon."

"Yeah." Vi sighed.

"We'll do this again though," Kennedy pledged. "And again, and again, and again."

"It really was wonderful," Vi agreed.

"I told you so." They kissed briefly.

"We should probably get dressed, huh?" Vi observed.

"Well, it would make a statement if we went out like this. Have I mentioned how beautiful you are?"

"I think about a thousand times last night," the redhead pointed out.

"Well, it bears repeating," decided Kennedy. "You're beautiful, Vi."

"You're beautiful too." There was a pause. "I don't wanna get up."

"I don't either." She stroked Vi's cheek lovingly. "But Faith will probably kick the door down if we're not downstairs soon."

"Good point." Vi sat up slowly. "I can come back again tonight…right?"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

"I'll be here."


"So," Andrew stood in the middle of the living room, addressing the assembled group as they prepared to assault the Bringers' arsenal, "it turned out that all these stone tablets basically said the same thing. The First and Caleb are protecting something and - and we don't know exactly what it is, but it's something powerful and they don't want the Slayers to get it. I'm thinking it could be a weapon and if we're looking for an arsenal-"

"You're not coming," Faith interrupted him, standing in the doorway.

"If one is looking for an Arsenal," Andrew corrected, "what better place to find a-"

"Weapon," finished Faith. "Okay, got it, good. Good thinking, Andrew."

"It's a pleasure, Faith," said Andrew kindly. "Back to you."

"Okay." Faith walked into the middle of the room, central to the group she was addressing. "I need you three to suss out the situation on B and Willow," Faith said to Dawn, Xander, and Giles. "I don't want you talkin' to her or gettin' in her way, or for that matter, letting her know you're there. Just do a little recon."

"Where do you want me, Faith?" Robin questioned.

"By your phone," said Faith shortly. "I'll call you when I need you."

"What are we looking for?" Dawn asked. "I mean, is there some reason we should spy on them?"

"We're just - making sure they're okay," Faith answered. "Those of you who are coming with me to the arsenal," she continued, turning away from Dawn, "you know who you are. Everybody ready?" Determined nods answered her question. "Let's do this thing."


Willow inhaled sharply as she awoke. Before even opening her eyes, she knew something was off. Mentally, she assessed the situation. She was sleeping on an unfamiliar bed, the bed she and Buffy had stolen along with a man's house. It had gone from night to day, judging by the soft glow she detected from behind her eyelids. But something else had changed too. No warm body pressed against hers, no tired head resting on her chest…nothing at all to suggest Buffy was there.

"Buffy?" Willow tried softly as she opened her eyes.

The room was empty.

"Buffy!" she called out, sitting up and looking around her blearily.

Where had she gone?

*Buffy.* Willow reached out with her thoughts.

No answer.

Just before the panic set in, Willow spotted the note on the pillow next to her.


Next Chapter: End of Days

All chapters

multi-chapter fic: closer to the heart, fic

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