more than the required amount of flair

Feb 25, 2011 11:36

As some of you may know, I make a habit of collecting various buttons, pins, badges, and patches (see also: pieces of flair) and plastering them all over my favorite trenchcoat. (You can sort of see it in my default userpic ( Read more... )

i'm indecisive so you decide for me

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Comments 13

ceciliaj February 25 2011, 20:19:43 UTC
Also, I love your DHARMA patch :). DHARMA FTW!


me_llamo_nic February 25 2011, 23:22:07 UTC


poxydoo February 25 2011, 21:26:09 UTC
Since I didn't pick either of the options directing me to comment, I guess I'm not supposed to comment, so I won't.


me_llamo_nic February 25 2011, 23:23:21 UTC
If you say so...


poxydoo February 26 2011, 03:28:25 UTC
what was your other idea?


me_llamo_nic February 26 2011, 05:28:19 UTC
I don't have one. I just needed to put something so that I could view the results of the poll. Otherwise it would just keep showing me the choices and not the number of votes.


kristina_secret February 26 2011, 00:38:22 UTC
I voted for a new trenchcoat because most other types of coats aren't going to have the kind of flair space that the length of a trenchcoat allows. And you know you're gonna be adding to that collection. Otherwise some sort of military surplus type coat might be a possibility (I'm thinking olive drab)...ooh, or a WWII RAF greatcoat. That'd have plenty of room for flair. :D


me_llamo_nic February 26 2011, 01:49:55 UTC
I'd love to do a browncoat, but I suspect they're prohibitively expensive and/or not in my size and/or I'd be hesitant to stick pins and needles through it.

My old one was like the Tenth Doctor's coat, but I actually got it years before I'd even heard of Doctor Who.

I've also considered perhaps a blazer of some sort...maybe something like Eleven wears.

Although, as you pointed out, the appeal of the long coat is the space it offers. And a trench coat is good because it's not too hard to push a needle through. I assume the WWII coat you mentioned would be like Jack's, yes? That looks like a thicker material.

I used to keep it all on a pair of suspenders (a la Office Space, which was part of my inspiration), but I got tired of them. Suspenders aren't especially convenient to wear, no matter how snazzy they look.

It's quite a conundrum. The votes all seem to be leaning toward trenchcoat though, and it does seem most convenient. I'll have to ponder things until monday, when I get paid.

*retires to the fortress of ponder-itude*


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