Do any tech-savy people read this??

Nov 18, 2010 15:37

I've been repeatedly having an issue where when I download DVD rips, the audio comes out high-pitched. I'd say this happens on about 90% of the DVD rips I download. It has never happened to me with a TV rip (yet).

It's not a huge deal, because I don't mind watching my TV rips, but when I make fan vids I like to use the DVD rips so that damn ABC logo isn't obscuring the image. In my current situation, I can't use the audio from those rips (because all the guys sound like high-pitched homosexuals in them). It's a pain in the ass to sync up audio from the TV rips with visual from the DVD rips. My ability to vid is limited by this.

Is this a me issue or an issue with the downloads? Is there something I can watch for to avoid this? Or something I can do to fix this? Does anyone know what I can do??

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