the storm has subsided

Aug 13, 2008 16:28

i love the other side of depression. the side of depression when you know things are getting better.

i see colors.
i see smiles.
i hear laughter.
i feel alive.

for those who suffer from this malady you can surely understand what a tremendous relief it is to be content after constantly battling with your mind. you know the dark shadows that cloud reality, that prevent you from enjoying the simple things you so enjoy. when that disappears the feeling...well its amazing. i feel like my world has opened up and the terrble, stifling, constraining pain has resigned its position at the forefront of my brain. im content. maybe its the deluge of vitamins im receiving from the sun as i write this on my porch, but i can honestly say im happy. its been a long time since i could say that.

in other news. the olympics is on. i love the olympics. the stories, the cinderellas, the tears. what i most enjoy is seeing the athletes cry when they are on the podiums. their hard work has paid off and at the end of the day, they were the best. i love the willingness to ignore politics in a symbolic gesture like when the russian and georgian athletes hugged. the world could learn a lot from that. one step at a time i guess.

nissa is staying with me for 3 weeks while she teaches at UC for the last session of summer quarter. she just moved to boston with her husband, daughter, and mother after years of saying they were going to move. i didnt think it would ever happen and i had a really hard time dealing with it. i made a fool of myself the night before she left as i gave her a big blubbering goodbye. i had to drive to willard and cried most of the way. nissa has been such a good friend to me, its always hard to see them move...especially that far.

i bought a rosemary plant and put it on my porch. i do enjoy plants, especially plants i can harvest and enjoy internally. im trying to let it get better established before i deny it the joys of photosynthesis by remove a sprig here and there.

if you guys have never listened to sigur ros (my favorite band of all time) i recommend listening to their newest album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. it translates into With a buzz in our ears, we play endlessly. this album is probably one of the most emotion filled collection of music ive ever heard. its a bit different than their other albums but i think its a great beginning album for a new sigur ros fan...which i expect you all to become.

on that note, 10 points to scandanavians for inventing iceland and another 20,000,000,000 points to iceland for inventing sigur ros.

and what the hell, since im so generous...another 15 points to stockholm.
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