Oct 05, 2005 22:47
Oscar Wilde worked best when he was drinking absinthe, maybe...or maybe he was most creative when he was with the green fairy...or maybe he was just shitty, I don't know the details of his life that well. All I know is that he died in a hotel in Paris most likely after a visit with his friend "the green fairy." It's filled with wormwood, or it use to be...not sure what's in it now...probably grain alcohol and cough syrup, I've never had it so, i don't know.
I think it was Lawrence Olivier who would hit the sauce pretty hard during performances. If he could do Hamlet half in the bag and still win the Oscar he deserves it. Did he win for Hamlet? I forget, I know it won best picture.
My point...
I was wondering if maybe I'm more creative when I'm tired or sleep deprived, although my body is tired my wit/timing/creativity are sharp...they'll cut ya! Maybe I'll become know as the guy that did his best work while tired and sleep deprived.
Maybe it's because my body is trying so hard not to fall asleep that it tries to amuse me. When I had that month of nothingness before work started this summer, I would stay up late and write poems, I was up at 3 in the morning writing poems and sonnets. My mind was racing...it still is...that's why I fill my life with things to do...that's it, just some thoughts.