Aug 06, 2007 23:39
So back last month I went to a trade show to look at some merchandisers and a Laser Engraver/Cutter. I wasn't able to make any of the purchases I wanted because of financial constraints. We have gotten the IPG site back up and hope to have a new server before faire ends. Sometimes being self employed sucks, most of my money goes right back in the business and with three kids it gets a little tight at times.
I have a few more months before I want to have the new merchandisers so they shouldn't be a problem and I'm planning on the engraver before the Fall of 2008.
The faire window clings are doing better then I hoped and Prax should be proud. We have already sold them for over a dozen faires and the MDRF ones are moving faster then they can dry.
Games on the other hand are up and down, with school starting soon game sales have slowed. They will pick up again prior to the holidays and I will be fussing over not having any free time because I will be putting stuff together. I have a game from a new designer that should be on the site soon, we are going over the financial aspects of it now so I really can't say much. I can tell you its a wooden tile game of a very original nature which is why I am thrilled to be making and selling them.
For me, we have Home Brew finished and will pictures on the website this week. Battle Royals in playtesting now while Prax works on the artwork and I have several more in the wings. I have dozens of prototypes right now and most of them will never see the light of day. It's easy to design a game but hard as hell to make it fun. Out of every ten ideas I get only one gets fleshed out. Out of every ten of those only one ever makes it out of playtesting.
So things are going well, it's tough right now and money will tight for faire this season, but I'm doing good.