Dec 06, 2008 01:45
First of all, I would like to say that my syndicated RSS feed is up and back online. Welcome back!
Now, onto this post. This is not an article, but just a passage from a book I'm reading that really encouraged me. It's amazing how God can communicate with us through some out-of-the-ordinary methods. Keep in mind these are not my words, nor is this my writing. Just felt like I should share this with y'all.
From: "A Voice In The Wind" by Francine Rivers. Chapter 14.
"You mustn't think she's to blame," Hadassah said.
He was surprised that she defended his sister so readily. "She defied her husband and he went after her. That makes it her fault in the eyes of some."
"She wasn't to blame for the wine Claudius drank before he left. She wasn't to blame that he wasn't a good rider and fell from his horse. She wasn't even to blame for his decision to go and find her. Each person answers for their own actions, and even then, it is God who decides."
"So by the mere whim of an unseen god, Claudius is dead," he said dryly.
"Not by whim, my lord."
"No?" he said with a curt laugh. "All gods act upon their whims. How is yours any different from the others?"
"God is not like the idols men create and credit with their own actions and passions. God doesn't think and act as men do." She took a step toward him as though being closer would make him understand. "We're each single threads woven together in a tapestry God has created. Only he sees the full picture, but not even a sparrow falls without his knowing."
She spoke not as a slave, but as a woman who believed every word she said. "All those hours you spent talking with Claudius in the privacy of his library have loosened your tongue," he remarked. She lowered her head, and he reached out to tip her chin up. "You think Claudius' death is part of some divine plan?"
"You mock me."
He let her go. "No, I wonder at this god of yours who so freely wipes out his people and kills a man whose only crime was to bore a young wife. I wonder that you would still worship this cruel god of yours and not be wise enough to choose another."
I needed to see this. I've been wondering why everything has been happening to me lately. Friends in and out of the hospital. Bad experiences. Loneliness. Struggling with keeping up with life, school, stress, and maybe sleeping once in a while. But seeing this tonight reminded me that everything happens for a reason, regardless if we can see it or not.