Nov 14, 2008 18:34


The site where my editoral blog is hosted (titled "The News Is Next") is being moved to a different location.  Meaning, the host (LiveJournal) is packing up their servers and moving all of the data to a new datacenter.
Unfortunately, this is going to result in approximately 4 to 5 hours of downtime for the RSS feed which syndicates my blog to your systems.

Please note that I am not going to have another article out between now and then, but when your systems attempt to sync over the RSS feed it will produce an error with "feed not found."  The URL to the RSS feed will be the same, but the servers are going to be offline for a few hours.

Below is posted the official message from the LiveJournal Ops/IT Team (lj_maintenance ):
We're pulling the plug! And putting it back in a different location! Ok, that was bad.

Seriously though, our data center move -- from San Francisco to Montana -- is scheduled for THIS TUESDAY, November 18, 2008 at 16:00 UTC (this equates to 8AM Pacific timezone) and will last for 4 hours. Unfortunately it'll be total downtime for all our sites and services -- no posting, no reading, no email.

Another news announcement will be posted on Monday November 17, including links to updated FAQs that you'll want to check out before the move.

As always, will have any updates during the move so bookmark it and check it out for the latest news.

All of us at LiveJournal have been eagerly looking forward to this move and I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we put the finishing touches on something that will allow us to bring you an even better product in the future.
Though for us in the Ops and Engineering teams, we'll be REALLY happy if, on Tuesday, everything just works the same way it did on Monday.  Heh.


Thanks in advance for your patience as the servers get moved to their new locations.  Sorry in advance for the inconvenience.

--Matt Olson
"The News Is Next."

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