I like spider solitare....

Jan 23, 2007 06:08

for many reasons... to list a few....

It can at times, be mentally challenging

every game can for certain be won.. if the right choices are made..

if at first you one looses a game, it can be restarted...

I win at it frequently on the first try, and always on a successive try

my life carries none of those qualities...

my first entry of 2007 will summarize the year so far,

1. my friend backed out of our agreement 2 months early leaving me with no place to live, I am now crashing another friends porch in order to at least have a roof.

2. a stupid light harness sprung loose, shorted on the one small milimeter of available ground and caught my car on fire.

3. my grandmother one of the few family member who offered any support and kindness as a child died.

4. on route to her funeral, I missed enough work to put every bill into the red, in the first year my credit was finally repaired, and returned to find my storage unit repossessed effectively loosing 97% of my worldy posesions including all the parts to fix my rare car that caught fire, and the needed parts for my truck. oh, and the engine for the car i'm supposed to sell next month to put myself back in the green.

5. tonight my 4 month old puppy ran away while I was at work, in an area offering slim chance of survival.. (big city traffic) and has now been missing for hours, when he never can go more than 20 min away from me or home..

thank you 2007 for such a great start.....
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