After last week on call, almost anything was bound to be an improvement.
But my oncall ended at 11am Monday; Sunday night and Monday morning
managed to cram in nearly as many pages as any two-day period the
preceeding week. By Monday at 11 I was a total wreck. (While I was deep
in work on one or two other tickets, the two daytime SEV2's timed out and
paged me at 10:30. At which point $BOSS came by. I was almost totally
nonverbal at that point - it was all I could do to get out a couple of
words to indicate that I was working on it.)
Monday afternoon was predictably unproductive. Since I had two medical
appointments on Tuesday I had already planned on taking the day as
vacation. I needed it. I was still pretty stressed on Wednesday; almost
anything could trigger an immediate adrenaline reaction, and I was
snappish and probably no fun at all to be around.
Thank the gods for gin, hot baths, and cats.
It took me all day Wednesday and most of Thursday to get my commits from
the week before rebased on top of the stuff S had pushed in the mean
time. I finally did make some actual forward progress on Friday,
and finally got the workflow to go through the final stage that it had been
hanging up on before. (Intentionally vague and generic, I know.)
Even with (and to some extent because of) ten workspaces and who knows how
many browser tabs, I still wasn't able to keep things organized. I kept
forgetting which tickets went where and what I had done on them, and found
several of them open in multiple places. No surprise there.
Have I mentioned dishes? We have dishes. Yesterday around dinner time
the kids (Kat and Alex, not g and j) brought down roughly a full
dishwasher load from their room. I did one load last night, put one in
this morning, and there will be at least another by nightfall.
I finally brought up the rack that I'd had the dishes stacked on in the
Starport, and rearranged the shelving to put the corelle conveniently on
the lower shelf. I'm tempted to put most of the blue dishes away where
they won't get used; one of the problems seems to be that nobody (else)
notices that dishes have to be done until they can't find a clean one.
I think I cooked three or four meals this week.
Writing and music. Um... (Posted by accident before I could fill in this part.
TL;DR no music to speak of -- ripping CDs doesn't count. Broke 1000 words of
writing, so technically met the 500-words-twice-a-week goal, but spread over
three days. I'll take it anyway.)
Notes & links:
: paged at 1am; 7am (different issues) Didn't look like action was required, but that
could be just inexperience on my part. Rough month this week.
* up 7am; W=200; dishes, laundry
Hakyll - Tutorials
A builder for static websites written in Haskell and configured xmonad-style.
uses pandoc (also Haskell, of course) for conversion. cf. gitit
! cheered up by Ticia walking out of her box and across my desk, getting a nose-nuzzle
and a hug, and going back to her box.
* writing: 718 words in "done this week"
: Desti came up while I was in the middle and let me hold her. Hard to type that way.
% I've been wearing my dragon yukata all day. Note that I don't intend to leave the
house today.
* retired the cloth slippers I got at Walgreens a few years ago. The soles were coming
apart. and they've never fit right -- too big, so they come off at the heel.
Now wearing the yoga socks that somebody left at our house some time ago.
% Hmm. May have to leave the house, if I want to get something for dinner. Or may
declare it a scrounge night.
% I have two now. One (Ticia) in the box, and the other (Desti) on my work laptop
licking my arm. Adorable. There's a reason why I keep a clipboard sitting on my
laptop keyboard when I'm not using it.
* Spoke to N about the concert gig on the 29th. Came up with a setlist. We're going to
have to script a few of mine, and learn at least one totally new one (to us)
* tuna salad sandwitches for dinner. Had to send the kids out for bread; luckily we had
the tuna. Tired bear is tired.
* up 4am; ; ticket work. Maybe dishes in the evening.
* leave with N about 8. 8:30, I think, by the time we got out the door.
% at least one more page shortly after arriving at work, and two daytime sev2's timing
out at 10:30. At which point I was a wreck. Made it through the transition meeting
_somehow_, but just barely coherent and a lot of my memory was gone. I basically lost
track. And $BOSS came by while I was dealing with the three sev2's a little after
10:30; I didn't quite melt down, but was almost completely nonverbal, mostly frozen,
and still lost my train of thought.
% no, I am not an adrenaline junkie. I was still stressed-out late in the afternoon.
% there's a reason why the script that generates the transition report is called
% Basically braindead the rest of the day. Fried bear is over hard.
% pretty much ran out of blood sugar in mid-afternoon; grabbed a bag of trail mix and
one of fruit gummies from the vending machine. Subsisting on coffee from 4am until
noon probably didn't help. (Neither did 3 slices of pizza; they barely made a dent)
% probably not the best day to be working on the annual developer survey, but that's
what I spent most of the afternoon on. Brain-dead.
& N had a rough day, too, so I got her some food at Whole Foods (which is only a block
from the parking lot where we usually rendezvous), and drove home. Thanks to a
fortuitous missed turn, I discovered what may be the optimal route home: Left on
Denny (light), right on Boren, right on James, left onto the freeway, having bypassed
*all* of the slow parts of I5.
% By the time I left Whole Food$ I was doing pretty well. A lot calmer.
: Desti was there to greet me at the door. She's such a good therapy cat.
* everybody told me to make my evening glass of gin a double. Which was what I'd been
planning anyway, but it's nice to have my assessment of my condition confirmed.
% 8:30 drained.
: writing: 350 words to this point. I'll take it.
Zyl Vardos (via N)
Tiny Idahomes LLC - RVIA Custom Tiny Home
Design and Manufacturing - Nampa, Idaho
% 9:15ish cuddles from g and Ticia
% 9:30 need to get upstairs and take a bath (N's recommendation) before I fall asleep in
my chair.
% Ticia has developed the endearing habit of headbumping and rubbing my foot if I
happen to dangle it off the bed.
0719Tu - vacation
* up 7am; W=198.2; dishes, laundry
* My plan is to take today as vacation (I could take it as medical, but since I'm maxed
out on vacation I need to prioritize that. Did I mention that I haven't been taking
* a little work on PJ/depends.make -- I think that between that and maybe the one in
Music I probably have a decent base for a blog mixin.
% Note from oncall: Even with 8 workspaces and god knows how many browser tabs, I still
couldn't keep enough context. In part because I simply couldn't keep track of that
many things, so several tickets ended up in multiple places. Even after I started
using a (physical) notepad, it was hard to retain context. Interruptions, of course,
made matters even worse.
% the ability to make ad-hoc workspace labels might help. Put the list in a file that
can be read in either xmonad or the bottom-bars script. Possibly a top dbar with
vertical menu.
@ Tips for introverted children's book illustrators attending the
SCBWI Summer Conference for the first time - by Debbie Ridpath Ohi
& helped the kids clean the piggie cage, which they hadn't done for a couple of weeks.
Ugh. Told them they ought to do it twice a week.
: Conflict btw C and G over groceries.
% highly stressed.
% got engrossed and ended leaving in something of a hurry. And not eating lunch.
* 3pm - Steve - Dentist (rescheduled from 0712) left a little late, and made it with
only a few minutes to spare. Made use of the time eating three travel sweets, since I
had just noticed that my blood sugar was geting low after having missed lunch.
Stopped at QFC and grabbed a package of pepperoni sticks on the way to...
* 4:30 Anita Brown (rescheduled from 3:30) arrived at _exactly_ 4:30. :/
Compassion Meditation | Practice | Greater Good in Action (via Anita)
% ok, crap. It's nearly 10:30 and I'm not sleepy and don't feel as though I'd gotten
anything done. (That's not particularly accurate, but it's typical of my thinking.)
* up 6am; W=200.2; laundry, dishes
% I didn't remember yesterday, but I'm pretty sure I've already done the "three things I
like about myself" exercise. -> yup! 6/15. I don't seem to have posted it.
1. I'm gentle
2. I'm a good listener
3. I write songs.
% today I'd probably change 2 to "I'm kind" -- I often feel as though I have to stretch
myself to be as kind as I expect myself to be, if that makes sense. Or maybe change 1
to "gentle and kind", because the Middle-Sized Bear (#2) is kind of who I am.
% Heck with it:
1. I'm the Middle-Sized Bear -- "for there's noplace as comforting, gentle, or strange
as the mind of the Middle-Sized Bear".
2. I write songs
3. I try to be kind. Sometimes I overdo it, and sometimes I lose track and deeply
regret not having done things. I'm not sure there's much I regret having _done_.
Renting out the Starport instead of selling it on the spot comes to mind.
(There's a second list; kindness was on it)
Wonder why I didn't post it.
* Up 5am; W=198.2; dishes, laundry,... dinner, cleanup, dishes
Linux Lite 3: The Ideal Platform for Old Hardware and New Users | [LWN]
Xfce based, of course.
& G asked me to make broccoli ginger beef for dinner. I'm the best in the house when it
comes to Chinese; Colleen said I haven't lost my touch. Easy, though prep involved a
little more standing than I should have done.
* some work the last few days on Config/local -- there is now a way of making system-
local configuration files that get included as needed. Not all there yet, but the one
for Xmonad is a good start. They're initialized by the makefile, and ignored by git.
A good start toward making the package usable by someone besides me, but the real
reason was to give me a way of tweaking parameters for different screen sizes.
* up 6:30; W=199.4; laundry
* got a stubborn collection of bugs fixed at work. Rather late in the afternoon, but
still... was able to head over for beer:30 with that done, after struggling with it
most of this week and the week before last.
% noticed, don't remember whether today or yesterday, that I seem to be admiring women
(and some men) pretty close to the way I would be admiring sculptures in a museum.
% sniffling and wiping away tears while reading and responding to a post on FIP
Fighters. Even with Ticia purring beside me, losing Curio still hurts like hell over
a year later. But as much as it hurts, I'm still grateful for the fact that he taught
me to cry. Every so often I need a refresher course.
* Up 5:00; W=200.4; dishes
* Reorganized dishes, using the adjustable wire rack from the Starport, to put the
corelle on the bottom shelf.
* attempted to set up jack with -- too stupid.
installed abcde. Still fails to find some things.
: It seems that several of the CDs in my "to be ripped" bin have either been ripped
already, not been ripped at all (because there are CDDB entries), or have recently
acquired entries.
: abcde is, however, able to use some additional readers; icedax seems to be working on
at least one disk that cdparanoia fails on. And it can use musicbrainz, which is more
up to date than freedb. And it's way the heck faster if you let it use two cores.
NW SolarFest 2016 - Shoreline
Solar Project Plant for the Planet was there; not only did the guy manning the
booth know g and j; he recognized _me_ from Amazon. Left home a little after 3
* Grocery, cat, and gas shopping on the way home. 6:15ish.
* Roasted chicken and fresh corn for dinner. Also making brown rice. Should have
gotten some veggies or a salad.
* Incremental improvements and small fixes in Tools and Config. Take advantage of the
fact that include does nothing if its file list is empty, and that -include does not
complain if a file is missing.
: Must remember next time to put them back to back -- parts were a little underdone
& Ripped about 6 CDs.
* writing: 154 words in PJ.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]