The big news here at
Rainbow's End
is the first of our house concerts -- Heather Dale is singing here
tonight! Doors open at 7:30, and there's still space. Probably.
The big news everywhere else on the internet is the
Heartbleed Bug. Yes, it's bad. Most
banking sites, fortunately, aren't affected, but Google (for example) is.
Wait until a site has installed patches before you bother changing your
password. And if you're using the same password on multiple sites, Don't
Do That Anymore! -- you know better, don't you?
Essentially no work on the taxes. Ouch! I'm going to overestimate, put
it on installments, and file for an extension. Though, every deduction I
can find today and tomorrow will help.
Lots of links in the notes.
0406 Su
* up 5:55; W=208.6; d, n
& it occurred to me to look for my author page on Amazon. Pages, since there's also an
artist page, and they're separate (Steve vs. Stephen R.) Found some fascinating
stuff, including the herpetology textbook that my brother and sister-in-law are
co-authors on (among other people), and somebody selling CC+S used for $187(?!)
& set up pages on {authorcentral,artistcentral,sellercentral}
Actually, advantage looks much better than being a regular seller. Later.
* 15min: moved the corner shelves from the sewing corner (where they were pretty much
unused) to the Rainbow Room phone corner. This frees up the three stackable, folding
bamboo shelves. I'll need to replace the 6-way plug extender -- it's too wide.
: someone stole the rear plate off Felicity (the Ford Cmax)
* shifting boxes etc. in the Great Room in preparation for Sunday.
* make HB eggs
: Chaos and Rabbit are moving -- one of their housemates is apparently something of a
nut case. They're taking some boxes, and will borrow the van week after next.
They're also taking our duplicate spices! Yay!
0407 Mo
* up 6:41; W=208.2; d, n
Saudi Aramco World : Chiles’ Global Warming +esr chili peppers, not Chile.
* book flights for Liz and Ogg
* pay bills, sort (about 3 days worth of) mail
0408 Tu
* up 6:35; W=210.4; d, n
10 Mind Blowing Sex Tips - The New Inquiry
3. Drive men and women and people who identify as gender neutral absolutely wild by
paying attention to them and what they’re enjoying, like they’re an individual you
are attracted to.
* install new cable router
-> took about 20min. Determined that one can't turn off WiFi, which sucks.
One can apparently disable it by having comcast put it into bridge mode, but
apparently it's flaky and I actually wouldn't mind having a DMZ. Tinfoil hat?
Right now it's sharing channel 11 with rainbows-end-west, so not too bad.
6 Things about Chronic Pain You Didn’t Know You Knew (
esr: A bloodmouth carnist theory of animal rights
6 Ways to Kill Every Cord in Your House not really all that useful
Heartbleed Bug This is a scary one.
HowTo: Get Around Comcast Port 25 Block with a Postfix Server | Steve Jenkins
0409 We
% dream: I was in a jury pool - the court was located inside a huge shopping mall. The
waiting room was on the second floor, the courtrooms on the third and fourth. The
elevator was tucked away at the end of a little, unmarked corridor.
* up 6:40; W=208.4; d, n
xkcd: Heartbleed Update everything, rotate keys,
and change passwords. Bletch.
* played a little go after work -- I need to practice.
A Softer World: 1086
The Seven Lady Godivas: Dr. Seuss’s Little-Known “Adult” Book of Nudes
The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now
Test your server for Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) (via
[svlug] How much trouble are we in FAQ (Heartbleed)
0410 Th
* up 6:40; W=208.0; d, n
: The check I deposited on Monday apparently didn't post -- I rather suspect I forgot to
endorse it, but it still sucks and I'm still hosed.
* 4:00 at RE: architects
* pull year-end statements. Stupid Wells Fargo doesn't have them.
* Juggle stuff to cover mortgage and this week's transfers. Tight.
esr: Does the Heartbleed bug refute Linus’s Law? tl;dr: no
0411 Fr
* up 6:30; W=206.6; d, n
0412 Sa
* up 6:45ish; W=209.2; d, n; shower
The Bleeding Hearts Club: Heartbleed Recovery for System Administrators | EFF
Hacking Your Linux Keyboard with xkb |
Looking For Tom Lehrer, Comedy's Mysterious Genius
Android 4.1.1 Devices are Vulnerable to Heartbleed but IMO not much of a problem
Multi-Story House in the UK is Entirely Purple on the Inside PURPLE!
& Deleted my dropbox account. Never used it anyway. see
Internet Revolt Begins
as Condi Rice Joins Dropbox Board | WIRED, etc.
Report: NSA Exploited Heartbleed to Siphon Passwords for Two Years | WIRED
NSA Said to Exploit Heartbleed Bug for Intelligence for Years - Bloomberg
: Beautiful spring day. Shirtsleeve weather.
* TJ's and Safeway
* Out a second time to Metro for shrimp and lettuce for shrimp Louie
You must watch this amazing guy playing Star Wars on a pipe organ
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]