Lots of puttering. In part because we're getting ready for
Heather Dale's house concert this
coming Sunday (contact me or Naomi if you're interested in attending),
and in part because it's a way of feeling that I'm doing something useful
while avoiding the taxes.
I was on tap for jury duty Wednesday and Thursday -- had to go in, but
didn't get picked, or even assigned to a case. Oh, well. I've only been
on a jury once -- very educational. The people running the jury assembly
room were very competent, and did their best to make it a good
experience. Successfully, in my opinion.
Three of Colleen's roses arrived on Tuesday; they finally got planted today.
A little noodling -- I need to practice more. And we need to encourage
Colleen to sing more.
Links, as usual.
0401 Tu
* up 6:30; W=209.4; d, n
AMAZORK - by Zachary Mason
: have to go in for jury duty tomorrow. 8am. :P
: Colleen's roses arrived from Jackson Perkins. (Not the Amethyst, though)
0402 We
* up 6am; W=209.4; d, n
* leave 7ish. Take the 21 local to 3rd and James. -> 21x and walk
8:45 checkin tomorrow, but it gets busy
: table, power, and coffee. Civilized.
Why I’m not feeling blue on Autism Day | Irish Examiner Autism Speaks lossage
Stylus | Filk. WBUR/iLab - In the late 1950s, with the American folk song...
Make it Through - What to Do to Make it Through disaster preparedness, via the
WiFi splash page in the jury assembly room.
* let out noonish; still probably have to go back tomorrow
* quite a bit more walking than usual today 3rd and Seneca to courthouse (3rd and
James), courthouse to work, work to and from Arizona (Terry and Thomas)
Justices strike down political donor limits - CNN Political Ticker
0403 Th
* up 6:35; W=210.2; d, n
On Common Core Math | Ferrett Steinmetz
Build 2014: Here come the universal apps | ZDNet Interesting.
* Got sprung from jury duty about 9:30.
Daily Kos Action - Koch Industries - products to avoid
0404 Fr
* up 6:30; W=209.4; d, n
& didn't even start today's entry until well after 9pm :P Spent pretty much all day
head down at work. Good progress, but still...
& a few minutes of noodling (plus The Fox) after checking out my new micro-tuner where
Glenn could hear me.
0405 Sa
* up 7:30ish; W=209.4; d, n
Stylus | WBUR/iLab - Filk: In the late 1950s, with the American folk song...
(Finally got around to listening to it)
Ford Ad agency's brutal pw3nage of Cadillac's "Poolside" ad. Awesome and
hysterical. *so* damned good.
HeatherDale.com | modern Celtic songs about world legends
t r a c y g r a m m e r - home
* 15min: assemble hot tub steps and handrail.
Personality and Change Inflamed Mozilla Crisis - NYTimes.com
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mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]