When we left our intrepid, if somewhat reluctant, adventurer he was in the
process of moving in to his new apartment in Lake Forest Park. (When the
rest of the family arrived on Tuesday it somewhat inevitably acquired the
name North Starport; the only other serious contender was Starport North,
but that doesn't have the built-in pun that justifies the new URL.)
Tuesday the 3rd was busy. I had an interview at Facebook (that resulted
in a rejection, and a severely dented passenger-side front door thanks to
a concrete post in the parking garage) in the morning, came back to
Shoreline for some badly-needed rehearsal time, then down to Seatac to
pick up Colleen and the YD at the airport.
That's when I found out that Colleen was en route to the ER,
having gashed her leg on a closing fire-door coming out of the jetway.
GLEEP! (And someone dinged the front bumper of my car in the Lowes
parking lot.) By the time we finally got everybody back to the apartment
and got settled in, I was pretty thoroughly frazzled.
Internet turned on sometime Tuesday as well; it was supposed to have been
the previous Thursday, but I'd given them the street number of the office
rather than of the building. Oops. But at least I could be frazzled with
a live net connection.
I'd brought up quite a lot of stuff in the van, but there were still some
omissions. Like, a phone cable and a computer power cord. Minor -- I
made do quite well with the netbook, though stuff like posting on DW went
by the wayside. Oh, and pillows. I borrowed a set from the Wolfling, who
stayed with us in the apartment Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Tuesday evening we had dinner with Chaos and her new BF, Rabbit (James).
Wednesday we made our expedition to Central Market. Thursday we had
dinner with Naomi and her kids, then made our way to the Seatac Doubletree
for Westercon.
Saturday was my concert. Formal setlist and recordings later, one hopes;
for now, the set was The Fox, As You See, Wheelin, The River, Riverheart,
Boom Gone To Bust, Kitchen Heroes, and Inherit the Earth. The first
half was something of a minor trainwreck, but I felt good about the second
A few good conversations at the con; nothing very deep, but people are
glad to see us moving up to the area.
Monday was a full day of interviews at Google's Seattle office. I
really hope I get that one.
Yesterday noonish we set out for finally set out for home. Old home? The
apartment -- and the PNW -- is already starting to feel a lot like home.
There's nothing like a couple of drives through the desert to make one
long for a place where it's cool and moist a lot of the time.
0701 Su
* up 8am; d, n, t
Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty
Years (
siliconshaman | Interesting read....)
The 25 Best Tech Companies To Work At In 2012 - Business Insider
* new set list for concert. The Bears instead of Falling for Lancelot and The
Looking Glass. KH will be a bit of a challenge.
* working in the garage, first with N. and Kier, then with Chaos and James
* Chaos and Rabbit (James) coming over noonish
~ concert - House Cerulia -> missed it through not knowing when it started (4pm)
* outing with Chaos -- to the apartment, Northridge Mall (BB+B for drawer
divider and paper towel dispenser; Azteca for dinner), back to her place.
She lent us some pillows. My SW credit card went missing; found it at the
bottom of the laundry bag -- evidently I've been laundering money again.
going into the mall, ran into runnerwolf and others leaving; second time
I've run into filkers in the area. Coolness.
* buy: paper towel dispenser, drawer divider
Bed, Bath + Beyond is in Northgate Mall, 3 miles away. 30min by bus.
% up at 2am; worried mainly about money and healthcare, as usual. This could
be a flaming disaster, and there's nothing I can do to pull out of it at
this point.
& found a voicemail from Colleen; called her instead of the recording by
accident, but so glad I did. She said to hug Cyrano, so I did, and hoisted
him into bed. She's purchased a diaper pail for the bathroom. I'll see her
Tuesday. She misses me terribly. And for my part? Alexithymia?
% spent maybe an hour curled up in a bearball, shaking, before getting back to
sleep. Ugh! Not panic because no adrenalin. But certainly something
_like_ panic or anxiety. Maybe close enough modulo alexithymia+depression?
0702 Mo
* up 7:15; d, n, t
Google Now Better Than Siri - Business Insider
Barber Lab Quartet - The Longest Time (Coral Triangle Edition) - YouTube
judifilksign - Science Girls, Doing it Right)
Time For Members of Congress to Pledge to Uphold Internet Freedom | EFF
Declaration of Internet Freedom
VLC for Android Beta Finally Arrives, Plays Almost Anything on Your Android Device
$ transfer $1k from checking to savings
* ping Adrianna at fb, Naz at google
* call CenturyLink and get apt # put into account. Gleep!
Apparently my street address is 14802, not ...12. :P Good thing I haven't
sent out my change of address forms yet, but the cards have to be fixed.
% So the whole screw-up was my fault for not making sure of my new mailing
address. OK, not surprising. How long since I had to do that? :)
* make calendar entries for Google interview, Westercon, flight, etc.
* handle email and make calendar entries for facebook, google
Beyond The Car: PAT Is An Autonomous, Shared Vision of The Future of Transportation
* filled out application form for Google. Required a digital signature and
acroread. Good grief! Need to remember that all my references are in my phone.
0703 Tu
* up 6:15ish; d, n, t
* responded to Emily at EnergySavvy
* call hotel and modify departure date; drop N's room
* 9am leave for FB interview
* TIME: 10:00 AM PDT Facebook
Upon your arrival, you will meet with a member of our Seattle Recruiting Team
for the first 15 minutes. Please allow an additional 45 minutes for the
technical portion of the interview.
LOCATION: Metropolitan Park East, 1730 Minor Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
-> IDIOT BEAR! crunched the front passenger door on a pillar. Still works,
thankfully, but it's an expense I don't need.
went well -- find connected components of a bitmap.
* call from Annie at Google
70 people in Kirkland - adsense, chrome, g+, hangouts, cloud platform, apps
* leave Shoreline 2ish for airport; will have to park to assist with luggage
(actually ~2:15 after a photo session with N)
* San Jose, CA - SJC to Seattle/Tacoma, WA - SEA 07/03/2012 Conf# 4HMR6S
DEPART JUL 3 TUE 12:40 PM San Jose, CA (SJC) to
02:50 PM Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA) Flight #3244
* Colleen cut her shin on a closing fire-door; arrived at NorthStarport
somewhere after 5.
* dinner with Kat and Rabbit. Sockeye salmon from QFC
* sleep broken because Colleen needed assistance getting into bed; not too bad.
0704 We
* up 7:30; d, n, t
Kos: Higgs Boson Announcement v5.0 -- DISCOVERY!!!! (
filkertom) We can haz Higgs
» Tales of the Sausage Factory » The Supreme Court Does Not Want To Revisit
Constitutionality of Broadcast or Cable Regulation, Get Over It And Get On
With Life.
& major cleanup. Ugh.
* humira
: The apartment feels smaller with four people and some stuff in it, but
Colleen loves it. Or says she does; I'll take that.
: It's small. Cozy?
* call Doubletree and drop N's room. Change our departure date to Sunday
solarbird | part three: even pressing play makes my fingers ache
* buy: large kitchen garbage container, dish drainer
* expedition to Central Market, Northgate (BB+B, others)
~ looked at Radio Shack for power and phone cords; $15 for a power cord? :P
* fireworks. After discovering that all the official parking places for
Kenmore required one to walk to a viewing spot, and failing to find the
hillside vantage point N recommended, we drove down to the trail and had a
perfect view of LFP's display, the top half of Kenmore's, and something way
across the lake. So... good enough.
0705-8 Westercon 65 ConClusion, Seatac Doubletree 206-246-8600
* memberships purchased for me and Colleen
* book Westercon hotel room 0705 Th -8 Su. lv Sun 86953722
Naomi: same dates cancellation#39017797
0705 Th
* up 8:15; d, n, t;
* made bacon for breakfast.
The significance of plot without conflict (
* buy: method spray cleaner
& over at N's for a little while.
* ran over; Colleen and the kids furious for missing today at the con.
! I'm an idiot. Meltdown, with dry sobbing.
* QFC for dinner fixings. ~ Introduce family at the office
* buy: QFC: chicken breasts, rice pasta, ziplock bags
* buy: Walgreens: pads, self-adhesive bandage tape
A Japanese Perspective: 11 Things About America That Startled Me
* 5:30pm N. and the kids show up
* 6pm dinner with N. and the kids - chicken and pasta
& forgot the Hartmann bag, so went back for it and also loaded up the drug bins
% multiple meltdowns. I must be someplace well over the edge
0706 Fr
* up 7:30ish; d, n, t;
* breakfast 9:30ish; pricey. 4ppl, so not surprising.
* shoe shopping at Southcenter with Colleen and YD
Bought a lovely pair of
Born slip-ons
Very light, good-looking enough for interviews, comfortable.
% still screwing up. Can't seem to do anything right. At least not melting
down today. So far.
% 1:15 reasonably contented at this point. Things have calmed down. *I* have
calmed down.
: Con seems a lot smaller than Norwescon (which fills the same hotel to
: OTOH the WiFi in the lobby sucks rocks
* 2pm Panel: Kitting Out Cheap: Cascade 5
* 3pm Panel: Post-Paper Publishing: Cascade 2
* buy: Walgreens: sharps container, non-stick dressing pads
The wound's only ~2" long.
* buy: bamboo flooring.
Home Depot doesn't seem to have engineered flooring for in-store pickup
- Lowes: $3.28
->Lumber Liquidators $3.39 1575 Terminal Avenue, San Jose
the $1.99 stuff is soft and needs glue for installation.
x Central (call 408-943-1818) 2514 Channing Ave, San Jose -> not in stock
? Southern (call 408-297-9663) ->
- San Jose Hardwood Floors (call 408-264-3500) 1824 Stone Avenue, San Jose
- 800Floors (call 408-266-7668) 2306 Almaden Road, #127, San Jose
* flooring: 37 cases at $55. Need 610 ft^2
* open filk: Wings (request after parodies), Cicero (after Aislynn's web
alphabet), When I Go (closer)
0707 Sa
* up 9ish; d, n, t
: as it turns out, Colleen's suitcase has almost no pants in it. Growf.
: rejection letter from Facebook.
* 10:30ish home for laundry
: ... and somebody has done (aparently) mostly cosmetic damage to the Honda in
the Lowes parking lot. More Things I Did Not Need. arrived 2min late for...
* 2pm Panel: Books without pages: Olympic 1 -> fun. Future of reading
& bought a little $6 pocketknife because I wanted something for the salami.
* V+T concert.
Afterwards, went up to Sunnie and suggested that we get together sometime
* 7pm Concert: Evergreen 2
fox as-you-see wheelin river riverheart boom-gone-to-bust kitchen-heroes inherit
Didn't really hit my stride until after the first couple of lines of Riverheart;
River was a trainwreck - left off the first half of the last chorus :P Audience
seemed to like it, though.
* Kat's 27th birthday party.
: very few parties at this con, and it's quite a lot smaller than Norwes. Sigh.
* open filking - token ring bardic - Vampire Megabyte (request) Millennium's
Dawn (got Betsy and others playing along). Only got around once in the
several hours we were there, with V+T and the Bohnhoffs getting most of the
requests. I got one, exactly at midnight.
* arrange for 1pm late checkout
0708 Su
* up 7:20ish; d, n
(awakened by YD looking for her power brick -- was in her suitcase, where
someone had packed it up for the party)
* 9:20 - at least I got several hours before the net connection reset -- I'm
not paying $15 for half a day. Logging in with AT+T credentials seems to be
broken. Having multiple IDs for different services doesn't help.
* 12:40 check out. We'll miss -most of- the dead dog, but ok
Radiohead wouldn't exist without early major-label funding. The future won't
bring new Radioheads. All I want to say here, truly, is: let's get used to
it. This. Welcome to the 21st Century.
* buy: tape, telfa pads, gauze sponges,
* buy: ribs
0709 Mo
* up 7ish; d, n,... t; shower
proportional fonts for programming (Don Marti)
* 8:45 leave for Google
* 9:45-4pm onsite interview at Google
651 N 34th St, Seattle, 98103
ask for Sam Mcveety. 6 people total
The last was an older guy wearing an Iolanthe T-shirt -- he's in the chorus
of the Seattle G&S Society's production.
d3wd will u teach me how 2 signal? signals sent by ad media
The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English
~ install flooring: -> Og
Lay down the first plank with its grooved end in the corner against a spacer
block. Also place spacers along the starting wall. As you set the flooring,
always keep the tongues facing out and cut ends against a wall.
Norway: Terrorism Fought With Song, Not Surveillance (Don Marti)
0710 Tu
* up 6:30; d, n
* late start; ate at Flo Anna's (excellent; they have 4-egg omlettes) and went
back to the room for Colleen to change, so not on the fwy untl nearly noon.
* Dinner at the Black Bear Diner in Grants Pass, next to the Travelodge.
Tiny room, step up from the sidewalk -- fortunately Colleen can use a cane.
Their WiFi seems to work fine for IM and ssh, but not web! :P
Well, not fine -- just barely. Managed one email; not going to try another.
It is, at least, _open_ with no splash page or anything.
& just enough space between bed and wall to make it hard to get the CPAP out
after dropping it down there.
[Crossposted from
mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]