Done last month (20120622 Fr - 30 Sa)

Jul 11, 2012 19:09

See music: "... and I'm five hundred miles from my home." Actually more like 800. San Jose; Logan, Utah; and Lake Forest Park, Wa are at the vertices of an 800-mile equilateral triangle, more or less. Sunday the 24th I headed out toward Logan for my brother's wedding. Fortunately, I don't mind driving.

The wedding itself was Tuesday, with no less than seven granddaughters serving as flower-girls. Fun! Wednesday afternoon was devoted to a hike, with many of the grand-kids. Glad I'd packed my hiking boots.

Thursday the 28th, after having breakfast with the family (Mom paid for it), I set out on the second leg of the trip, up I84 and I82 through western Idaho and eastern Oregon and Washington to Shoreline and Lake Forest Park - a particularly pleasant drive, all through places I hadn't been before.

I arrived at the new apartment 2ish and unloaded, and finally made it to Naomi's at 4pm, just in time for a phone interview with EnergySavvy. And the Friday before the trip was a phone interview with Google, which went well enough for them to schedule me an on-site this last Monday. I'll get to that in the next installment.

Oh, and while I was traveling, I was juggling calls from moving companies coming in to give us estimates on the move. (We eventually went with one of the more expensive bids because it seemed to be the most competent and thorough.)

Lots of links in the notes, along with assorted travel notes.

0622 Fr * up 6:50; W=195.6; d, n; exercise @ The smartphone wars: Inauspicious exits and debuts @ Route 66 still holds allure for travelers, industry in(jan howard finder) @ Flipboard officially debuts on Android, adds Google+ and YouTube, and comes standard on the Galaxy S III in the US | The Verge +Robert Scoble * call Alliance to figure out what's wrong with online access Worked this time -- maybe I abandoned it at the wrong point in the process? More likely it needed a full reset. * loud spark-like sound from the server closet. Second? time. DO NOT LIKE arcing? Demands investigation. Guessing it's an unused power cord too close to something it can arc to. @ Interview Questions « GeeksforGeeks Interview Questions | CareerCup @ Code Kata very cool -- coding exercises * 10:30am Eric Galpine - Ace Relocation Systems/Atlas 19103 $8402 $75K ins. free used an iPad app. Pretty cool. * printed off 20 more moving cards * boxed up the gardening books (and set off a small cascade, dislodging the go board and very nearly the stones. Eeep! * 2pm Google phone interview Mike Schwartz (13:50:36) mdlbear: Spent some time telling me about the way Google works (after the first project, you get to pick); seemed to be selling me on the company. I like that. Bodes well. * 14:45 2 cube boxes packed so far * 3:30 slowdown. = the speakers won't fit in a large moving box. The musk ox will. @ Glass harp-Toccata and fugue in D minor-Bach-BWV 565 - YouTube @ Taking a Stand: International Vogue Editors Join Forces to Support the CFDA's Health Initiative - Magazine - Vogue * ordered out for Chinese @ CenturyLink recommended for phone/net service 206-367-0667 @ Food Delivery | Restaurants Delivery | Eat24Hours - Order Food Online @ The Art of Unix Programming 0623 Sa * up 7:45; W=197.8; d, n, t; dishes @ 10 best tablet PCs in the world today | TechRadar (British prices) @ The Megapixel War Is Over - @ Why Strong Female Characters Are Bad for Women | Overthinking It (ysabetwordsmith) Two different takes on the subject. Both valid. @ elf: I bring you one, two, five--no, wait, three--three songs. One of which is Rocket Rider's Prayer, which I see needs audio. * put in request for grab bars via web * notify Watercrest about phone installation @ Plan trip. seems to have best list of hotels, etc. * book hotel for tomorrow night in Winnemucca: Town House Hotel Found via tripadvisor, but looked up in google for direct number. * mail CDs * put headset mics and cables in gig box * buy: cough syrup, pantsu * load van - preliminary. * pack suitcases. Chami is purely con stuff * reconfigure Algol for stand-alone * swap -Dorsai- _trantor_ for Algol -- take Algol to LFP dorsai is in really sorry shape; suspect thermal or other MB problems. * reprint LgF songbook. The Makefile is wrong. * load drugs * send 10 copies of CC&S to CD-Baby -- inventory down to 1, according to email. Dashboard says 4, though. * figure out what goes up in the first load to make the apartment habitable * the old 8" anolon pan; calphalon/stainless pans * eating utensils -- the old set. * 3@ bowls, plates, mixing bowls * 0529 dishwashing equipment (sponges, towels, brush) x Futon if it'll fit -> forget it. * knives * airbed. all air mattresses we can find. * blankets, sheets, -> (oops!) pillows * towels, washcloths, bath mats, sheets * phone * gig box -or rolling duffle- * put headset mics and cables in gig box * coffeemaking equipment * tray tables, * folding chairs -> maybe one of the camp chairs, and buy a set onsite? * walker, so Colleen doesn't have to fly with it. * at least one monitor, keyboard, linux box I can leave up there. -Seagate 1.5GB external drive. Keep in sync.- Printer (the MFP) 0624 Su * up 6:15; W=197.4; d, n, t; pack * went to renew AAA membership (30 years!) and found we're on automatic. (but that the credit card info was old, so good thing I checked) * configured the Artisan 50 as ij so people can print inkjet. * 9am tossed Algol into an old Samsonite camera bag. Everything in the van but the drugs, cygnus, and the guitars * 9ish leave for Utah. & forgot the hangers; probably a few other items (leatherman, swim suit, extension cord...) Couldn't find the Boss tuner; hope it's packed. Pillow. No pillows at all, as far as I know. ~ figure on eating somewhere near Reno -> The Back Forty in Roseville. Texas BBQ - yummy (award-winning) ribs, coleslaw, beans, cornbread * stay in hotel in Winnemucca (421mi, 7 hours) * Town House Hotel in Winnemucca (421mi, 7 hours) Conf. Ana Marie, $65 AAA rate reserved on AX gold. 375 Monroe St Winnemucca, NV , 89445 ‎800-243-3620 * call Al for directions 1054 Sumac Dr. Logan, UT * walk: ~1.5mi. Out of shape. dinner at Chihuahua's, because Ormachea's (Basque) was closed for a wedding. Nice place. XX on tap -- I was expecting a bottle; this was _at least_ a pint. ! contented. Something about travel, perhaps. Or about being out by myself. 0625 Mo * up 6:45; d, n; : for some weird reason the phone didn't charge; sloppy about plugging it in, I guess. Have a car charger, so no biggie. * breakfast at the Griddle. Yummy. Incredibly fluffy omlette, thick bacon ! optimistic? Maybe * second breakfast noonish at Bella's in Wells. nice solid no-hassle connection on an open Dlink. @ solarbird | part two: the damage is worse than i thought (music industry) * 11-11:30 Lew Cramer - Chipman Relocation United/Mayflower * 3pm Tom from Beltman Relocation Group (Allied) * wonderful, huge house; bigger than the Green Monster, I think. Library with ladder. huge family room, kitchen, bedrooms, who knows what else downstairs. * great evening with the families. Fresh trout (caught by the kids earlier in the day). Swapping songs with Al's grad-school office mate Julian. Who's a damned good guitarist. 0626 Tu * up 6:20ish; d, n, t; shower * walk: d=3.62 to Center & Main @ I, Cringely » Blog Archive I Hate Network Solutions! not encouraging about GoDaddy, either. * 2:30 pm Al & Marty's wedding Actually went off about an hour late. The granddaughters -- and grandnieces, I think -- were great as flower-girls. Lots of food for the reception afterwards -- leftovers for breakfast tomorrow. * (19:23:32) Relaxing after the wedding and reception -- I spent more than half the time on my feet. Tired but contented. * met Ted Evans, who went to Carleton (started in 69, so we missed each other) 0627 We * up 7:35; d, n, t; exercise * EPA scores major court victory - The Maddow Blog @ crowdfunding | Is Crowdfunding Right for Your Project? * song-swapping with Dave and Julian. They're good, especially Julian, but mostly still singing the songs they learned in the 60s and 70s. * collate and punch the lgf songbook. Really needs a new make recipe at this point, for sorting and selecting. Too many dups. Leave off the -- variants, sort by title, and it should work. @ Internet Sacred Text Archive Home * Hike with 7 grandkids, their parents, and Caroline. A little under 3mi, but more strenuous than my usual walk. Kept up ok. 0628 Th * up 6:15ish; d, n, t * breakfast out at Herm's (?) Mom paid. * leave for LFP. Stay overnight in Pendleton, OR Rugged Country Lodge 541-966-6800 1807 SouthEast Court Avenue, Pendleton, OR 97801 Nice place, but I can't seem to get the WiFi to connect. * Lunch at Shari's in Meridian, ID (near Boise) ~ 10-3pm - Dice virtual career fair * Dinner at Como's bistro. Unfortunately most dishes had pasta, including almost all the seafood; the steak was good. Session Black dark lager. Yum. 0629 Fr * up 7ish; d, n, t; exercise * continental breakfast. Yogurt, hard-boiled egg; probably ok for a couple of hundred miles. Should not have bothered with the instant oatmeal. :P * Phone connection not good enough to get a map. But I seem to have wifi now, go figure, * Arrived 2ish and unloaded. * buy: TP, paper towels * 4pm phone interview with Daniel at EnergySavvy online audit for homeowners - energy score, recommendations. on website; customized for utilities workflow for residential energy efficiency upgrades Program Optics python, jango, postgresql : No dialtone. Probably not activated. IDIOTS Thoroughly unimpressed with phone help. -> Call them Monday! No, they don't have the apartment number set up. May take a week. Not a happy bear. * pay rent @ The handwriting on the wall is Chinese * look at quote from United/Chipman 0630 Sa * up 7ish; d, n * set up Workforce 600 MFP on N's network. Used ethernet - a snap. Cygnus recognized it immediately. * set up Config in ~engelbert * suck down users/record/2012/07/07-Westercon for setlist editing on Cygnus work on setlist a little * DVI cable found lurking in Chami. So, YAY! : Hmm. Maybe the right place for the computer workstation is in the bedroom, on "my" side of the bed. There's a phone jack there, IIRC. * buy: cottage cheese, eggs, granola, peanut butter, pepperoni, GF bread * over to apt with N. for lunch and laundry. The washer is small, but fast. about half an hour. We can do quilts at N's when they need it. Drier is slowish on perm. press (low temp). Pretty quiet. * load drugs (from bin) - works pretty well. & made desktop icon for ssh in to nova @ I, Cringely » Life after the personal computer @ We Still Need Medicare-for-All | f(N) = setlist for Westercon: users/record/2012/07/07-Westercon % went to bed 9ish Up briefly at 4am; finally got back to sleep and slept until 8am or so.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]

etc, friends, done, travel, family

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