A Bitter Update

Jul 14, 2010 16:39

Well, it looks like my conference attendance for the year has come to a close. While everyone I know (who write and are big geeks) hams it up in Atlanta and/or San Diego. I’ll be cursing them from my spot at the kitchen table, or Starbucks or the odd library carrel.

It seems conference attendance requires money (unless your books are selling like snuggies) and I’m firmly in the eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches stage of my career. So if you want to hang out and meet up and get books signed and stuff, your best bet is coming up on August 4th.

It seems a certain writer of selkie pr0n is popping on up to the Emerald City to wreak seal-like havoc (basking, undoubtedly). Nicole Peeler, author of the Jane True series of urban fantasy novels (Tempest Rising, Tracking the Tempest, Tapping the Tempest’s Ass), seen here preparing my barium enema. We’ll be setting up shop at Third Place Books in Seattle’s Ravenna neighborhood at 7 PM. So save the date and bring us pressies! Cuz we’ll be bringing you the gift of inappropriate readings and genital cupping. Maybe.

Now, that said, how many of y’all bitches are going to DragonCon and ComicCon?

Originally published at Mark Henry. You can comment here or there.


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