Some Things, Others

Jun 29, 2010 18:55

So I just finished listening to Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I’d been at it all week. If you’ve never read/heard Vonnegut, get thee to a bookstore/library/nunnery. There’s something about the way he constructs story that really gets me going, activates those gray cells in the weirdest ways. But beyond that, the reading job Ethan Hawke did for the audio was mesmerizing. Seriously. Get it. See if I’m wrong.

You know who doesn’t have a soothing, mesmerizing voice? Snooki…

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That shit there has had me saying “what the frig” all damn week!

I wanted to check in and bring y’all up to date on a couple of things before I sell you a couple of books. We’re about a month away from the release of Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love, which features my Daniel Marks short Vermillion. But you can listen to the book now. I downloaded the audiobook at and found that I couldn’t stand to listen to someone else read my stuff. It just doesn’t sound right to me. At. All. I’m sure it’s fine for fresh ears, but mine are tainted by already having assigned tone and cadence to the various characters with speaking parts.

Jen Lancaster lists Road Trip of the Living Dead as one of her picks for her Summer Reading List! Jen is fantastic and hilarious and you need to go grab all her books as soon as you can. Pal Jackie Kessler is releasing the last Hell on Earth book, Hell To Pay as a serialized novel on her site. Chapter Six is up today! I took part in a fun Vampire Interview over at Flames Rising.


A great big Happy Book Birthday to Nicole Peeler and Adrian Phoenix!

I met Adrian at Norwescon this year, and I can’t say enough good things about her. Super nice and talented. Was lucky enough to hear her read the first chapter of Black Dust Mambo and was hooked. I can’t wait to go pick up this book!

Nicole is a good friend, so keep that in mind as I pimp her out hard. I’ve not read Tracking the Tempest but I expect it’ll be more fun Selkie shiz! I know Nicole is only going to get better and better with each successive Jane True book so run to the store or wherever and pick it up/download it.

Originally published at Mark Henry. You can comment here or there.


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