More Manga!

Feb 27, 2010 08:41

Still haven't checked with Detective Conan chapters...I'll hafta take a look and see if there's any development with the Black Organization, since that's all I'm really interested in at this point. That series needs to be wrapped up,'s over 10 years old and still going.

Very disappointing week for manga. There's no new Ouran chapter...though, there was an amusing special. Nothing yet on Oofuri, and even if there was it's raw, so I only understand about a third of it if I'm lucky (since I only know a handful of kanji).
The others that aren't on hiatus that I read were the ones that I usually give low ratings to.

Naruto Chapter 484...
For a moment, I wondered if I missed a week in there, since we left off with Kakashi about to face down Sasuke, and then we start with Sakura healing Karin (I think that's her name).
Ya know, everyone keeps saying "Sasuke has changed", and yet, everyone keeps trying to "get through" to him...uh...stupid, much? He's an asshole, he's always been an asshole, and he'll kill you all if you don't do something about it.

Seriously, though...why don't they go for the eyes? That's where all his power comes from. He relies so heavily on his doujutsu that if it was taken away, he'd be helpless. These people are supposed to be ninja. Even in the not-so-nasty forms of martial arts (anything except kung fu...though, street fighting is still nasty), the body's weak points are identified for street battles or if we're attacked.
"Go for the eyes"...
That's one of the biggies.
And that's in the real world, for being attacked on the streets.
So, why haven't any of these guys thought of it?

Cause it would end the series, that's probably why.
Sasuke is the big instigator right now, though Madara is still lurking around somewhere., the "fight" between Sasuke and Kakashi isn't much of a "fight"...not that I expected it to be. Sasuke isn't at full strength, and Kakashi doesn't want to hurt him.
Sakura proves how much of an idiot she is by trying to attack Sasuke...which actually might have sort of worked if she had the resolve to go through with plunging that kunai into his back, since he was distracted with Kakashi and having trouble with his vision.
Tables turn, Sasuke has the kunai, Sakura's in trouble (again)...and, yep, our hero shows up after some flashbacks to stuff people have told him (STALL TACTICS!!).
Naruto saves Sakura...
And Team Seven is all in one spot.
Woo...anyone wanna take bets that it pretty much ends there? That, ya know...the mangaka decides "hey, let's add more suspense and stall some more", and gets Madara to pull Sasuke out of the frying pan or something so that the final showdown is, once again, postponed?

I will be deeply disappointed if that happens, but not surprised.
Actually, the only thing that will surprise me about that series is if this is actually the final showdown with Sasuke, and we actually see a resolution of some kind.

Chapter Rating:
2 out of 5
Eh...add a point if you enjoyed seeing Sakura attempt to kill Sasuke, or like it when Naruto comes in the nick of time.

But there wasn't enough character growth or action in the chapter to get me to rate it higher...if we actually knew what Naruto decided with all those flashbacks, and it was something that wasn't horribly naive (it might have saved Konoha from Pain, but it doesn't seem to work this time, as Naruto failed to get through to Sasuke twice already, and that's when he wasn't engulfed in darkness...welp, not as much).

Gakuen Alice Chapter 127
I thought this chapter might clear up some of the confusion from the previous dozen chapters, but, just added to it.
Okay, Mikan's group is on the run and all...that hasn't changed.
There seems to be a traitor among the group still, and if there really is one, I have a feeling that they're either not doing it intentionally, or it's one of those "I can't betray such-and-such even though they were a royal asshole to me".
Oh, and Noda might be lost in the time vortex.
The other students are either under Luna's control or are afraid to oppose them, and...
HEY! Persona is alive! I was wondering what the hell happened to him. There's some confusing talk at the end with him, and...who's that M-guy? The one in bandages, right? We really don't know enough about the other Dangerous Class kids, since the group only encountered them like...once. Except for that Kaze guy, who's cool, but he's on Mikan's side, now,
More confusion, and the chapter once again left me with a feeling of "...the fuck?".

Chapter rating:
2 out of 5

Rated with a "2" instead of a "1" because things were actually moving forward for a change instead of just going over what we already knew and stalling like hell.

That's all for this week, seeing as a lot of manga I read tend to be monthly (Tegami Bachi, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ookiku Furikabutte, and Ouran HSHC), and Detective Conan, though weekly, hasn't had anything dealing with the main plot since...uh...I think since that case with the department store and the red flags.
I think. Too many filler chapters with mini-cases in between to really keep it straight. If there was something afterwards, it was so minor that I don't even remember it.


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