Manga and anime reviews once more!

Feb 12, 2010 13:01

Welp, I've got a lot to say for this one...sort of. More like, a little more to review since there was a new FMA chapter.

Come to think of it, I haven't been checking Detective Conan. The latest cases have been too easy to solve, so I'm holding out for actual plot development on the Black Organization.

So, no reviews for Detective some for the latest Naruto chapter, Fullmetal Alchemist chapter, Gakuen Alice chapter, and Tegami Bachi (chapter 36 and episode 17).

Naruto chapter 482
I had to agree with Kiba...everyone keeps telling them "don't fight with Sasuke yet" and all...he just got out of a major battle. If there would be a time to fight him, now is the time when he's weakened.
But, of course, only a real ninja would do that, and the Naruto-verse doesn't have many real ninja since they prefer DBZ-style battles.

At the end of the chapter, I just lost all respect for Sakura's character. She was coming along great in the three year gap...and now this?
Unless it's a ploy to get him to lower his guard and then hit him, that is.
If it's not, then she's just as dumb as when she was first introduced in the series.
She comes to the scene of Sasuke about to finish off Karin, and says "let me come with you"?
Seriously, if she isn't just trying to get him to lower his guard, she's a bigger moron than Naruto.

Oh, and Naruto...who else knew that he would do something like that? Go on, raise your hand.
*raises hand*
Guy's just too predictable. Seriously. Shouldn't Yamato have known about that?

So...Karin was at the Chuunin exams in Konoha? Can you say "major plot hole"?

I think the chapter highlight was that Danzo crushed the Sharingan with the last of his strength so that Madara couldn't have it.

Chapter rating:
1 out of 5

Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 104

A lot of "stalling", it felt like.
Okay, there's a giant ball and little black hands of the gates sucking the life from everyone and destroying all of Amestris as they know it...we don't need five plus pages showing that. One or two pages would have sufficed.

I'm wondering how they're going to reverse it all...they've now got the big bad guy, who says he absorbed the God of Earth, as well as has the power of a philosopher's stone from the souls of everyone in Amestris.

So, this manga has a couple ways it can go...
-One, it'll go the Evangelion route, and everyone dies (since all but the center of Amestris and the outer countries have already fallen to that fate).
-Two, the ones still standing will figure out a way to defeat this new "creation" and reverse the philosopher's stone.

I mean, it should be plausible...if one can take away the life force for something, then shouldn't they be able to give it back? Isn't a lot of that mentioned in Xing alchemy, what with its healing properties?

Not a lot of action in this one...too much "stalling", I'd say. Left us with the biggest cliffhanger of all time, too.

Chapter rating:
4 out of 5 (for stall tactics)

Gakuen Alice chapter 126
I'd be able to write a better response to it if I was able to understand half of it.
One of my biggest gripes with that manga is that I always had difficult being able to tell who was speaking.
This chapter was no exception, as I had to constantly go back and re-read.
There's also the placement of the bubbles, which makes you scroll down a bit to read someone's statement, then scroll back up to read the next panel.
It's always been like that.

I'm picking apart technical stuff because I really can't grasp what happened in this chapter.
The stalling has gone down (thank goodness), but the only thing I got from it was that Yuka's group is safe (though her talk with Narumi is a little garbled due to bad translations on the scanlating group's part and the natural bad placement of the speech bubbles), Mikan's group is in trouble, and there's suddenly a traitor in their midst.
Either the traitor thing is a mystery, or it's because Hotaru's brother was put under mind control by that Luna girl, which would mean that she could make him spill their plans, I suppose.
No mystery, there, if that's the case. It's hard to tell, what with the flow of the manga.

Why am I still reading this manga?
I guess I just want to see a conclusion after all the craziness.

Chapter rating:
1 out of 5

Tegami Bachi chapter 36
I don't remember if I wrote anything before on this chapter. In case I did, I'll keep it short.
Aria's resolve in it was excellent, and Niche's part, as well. The purpose of a dingo and some of the humor in it ("use 'scramble dash', Aria!") despite it being in a fight scene...the flashback with Aria's dingo and what was said...
Emotional as always, and great for character development. Not just for Aria, but for Niche, too.

Chapter rating:
5 out of 5

Onto the anime!
There's no point in putting anything for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, as it's following the manga very closely.

Tegami Bachi episode 17
The past few episodes have been "filler" episodes...they aren't in the manga.

This one was a "tissue alert" episode.
I knew the purpose of why the old dog/dingo was the letter, particularly after it was explained that his master fell to her death...
...that sending Darwin with Lag was to bring him to his place of burial with his master.
But still seeing it was...I wouldn't call it "sad" was "sad", but it was a conclusion. Master and dingo were together again, even if it was in heaven.

The pendant thing...I didn't know what the deal with that was, and it wasn't explained until the end...but it made the episode even more tearful.
If you watch that episode, be sure to have tissues handy.

Episode rating:
5 out of 5

anime, manga

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