I finally got around to recording a 5th video blog! Unfortunately, I didn't realize how large the file size was. It's 107.14MB, Gather only allows 100MB file sizes. So, it's not uploading onto their site. I will try and re-do a shorter version of the video later today (Feb 13th). I will be answering questions sent to me, thus far I have three. If anyone here would like to ask me a question for the Q&A section of my video blog, feel free to leave a comment with your question, and whatever name you wish to be addressed as. If it doesn't make it in this video blog, chances are it will for my next!
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get with Cheryl Ann again for another vocal lesson. We have been playing phone tag a lot, plus she recently just moved. However, I will hopefully be getting with her soon enough. She's starting to work on her own music more, getting things and motion and has invited me to tag a long so I can watch the process of things. I am very excited about that. I'm also hoping to get with her in the near future for a photo shoot, special interview and another vocal lesson.
I have been working on several writing projects including my next chapter to, Through Bistre Eyes, the second chapter to, Obsession. I also just recently did my very first book review! The book is called Mistress of the Art of Death, by Ariana Franklin. It's a really good murder-mystery! Anyways, the book review is up on my
Gather page. I was nervous posting it, as mentioned before it was the first attempt to writing a book review. However, to my surprise I have received a lot of positive feedback!
I am hoping to get some more photo shoots done with Malice. I have a few ideas with her in mind. I also, might have another friend of mine who will possibly be doing a shoot with my this coming week, or next if it can't work out this week. I also want to get in touch with my good friend Dave (hint, hint if you read this Dave!) to do another shoot. Also just to see him and hang out again.
I have been doing a lot of touch-ups to my
MySpace page. I changed the layout a bit, something a lot more simple and cleaner looking. I also took out all the old photos that were posted up there, to display more of the new stuff I have been doing. However, some of the photos previously on there, did make it back to the page.
Well, that's all I have to say at the moment. I'm getting very sleepy, and want to work some more on chapters to my two different stories before heading to bed!